The scaling law represented by equation (7.9) can be used, to first approximation, to
estimate the influence of the velocity, the length scale and the fluid properties on the
aggressiveness of similar cavitating flows, taking into account inertia and acoustic
impedance only, all other effects being assumed of minor importance. This question
will be treated in more detail in chapter 12, where cavitation erosion is considered.
When collapsing, an isolated bubble emits a noise very rich in high frequencies
because of its sphericity and generally weak damping (see § 5.2). The situation is
different in the case of partial cavities since the major source of noise is the near
wake of the cavity where different kinds of vapor structures (often far from
spherical bubbles) are present and where dissipation is high because of turbulence.
Besides the noise generated by the collapse itself, an additional component is due
to the impact of interfaces on the solid walls. The result is a noise spectrum which
extends in a broad band, from high to low, audible frequencies.
The noise emitted by a cavitating source is often difficult to measure in a cavitation
tunnel because of interference due to reflection, transmission and absorption of
acoustic waves by the tunnel walls. Despite these difficulties, global noise
measurements are often conducted in order to know, at least qualitatively, how
cavitation noise changes with the flow parameters.
When the cavitation number s
is reduced below non-cavitating values, the flow
noise suddenly increases at cavitation inception. It continues to increase but more
gradually and finally decreases when the cavity becomes fully developed. For a foil
in a cavitation tunnel at a velocity around 8 m/s for instance, the noise level may
increase by typically 30 dB over the whole spectrum at cavitation inception and
its maximum may reach 150 to 160 dB. For traveling bubble cavitation, the noise
increases continuously when s
decreases, as long as the bubbles remain separated
and provided the air content is low so that damping remains small. The noise
spectrum at high frequencies is usually higher for traveling bubble cavitation than
for partial cavitation.
An increase in flow velocity at constant s
(i.e. for similar extents of partial cavitation)
commonly leads to an increase in cavitation noise as already mentioned for pulse
height spectra (see fig. 7.12).
As for the air content, it generally does not significantly affect the noise of
developed cavities. For traveling bubble cavitation, the effect of air content is not
obvious a priori. On one hand, a high air content in the water will result in a high
air content inside the bubbles, and then in a damping effect. On the other hand, a
high air content will generate a large concentration of air nuclei which represent as
many sources of noise. The overall effect of air content on the noise of traveling
bubble cavitation is therefore not at all straightforward.