which is directed towards the liquid and generates an overpressure near the cavity
closure. Generally, such closed models do not result in a one-to-one relation l(s)
(see e.g. N
ISHIYAMA & ITO 1977, LEMONNIER & ROWE 1988). They are more
appropriate to the modeling of short and thin cavities, which only weakly disturb
the flow.
Thick cavities, however, are best represented by open models in which the cavity
is followed by a wake whose displacement thickness is constant or increases
downstream. Such a wake can be generated by sources blowing at the cavity end
or through a permeable wall [Y
AMAGUCHI & KATO 1983, ITO 1986, ROWE &
LOTTIAUX 1993]. It induces an additional drag which simulates the dissipation
associated with thick cavities.
As for unsteady cavities, a detailed presentation of the main difficulties in the
modeling of partial cavity flows based on the classical non-linear inviscid theory
(with the effects of viscosity on cavity detachment and cavity wake included) can
be found in K
INNAS (1998), together with a comprehensive review of the main
works devoted to 2D and 3D cavity flow modeling.
Other approaches have been developed to model unsteady cavitation on the basis
of either the E
ULER or NAVIER-STOKES equations completed with a cavitation model.
A homogeneous fluid of variable density is usually considered to represent the
water-vapor mixture. As an example, the barotropic model [Reboud & Delannoy
1994] introduces a constitutive law r(p) for this equivalent fluid whose density is
assumed to change continuously from the vapor density to the liquid density when
the pressure curve crosses the vapor pressure value. There is also the two-phase
bubble flow model [K
UBOTA et al. 1992] wherein the cavity is considered as a
homogeneous cluster of spherical bubbles. The local void fraction is computed from
the resolution of a R
AYLEIGH-PLESSET equation for the bubble cluster. Such a model,
which requires the stipulation of a nuclei density, satisfactorily simulated the cyclic
behavior of partial cavities.
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