results concerning the conditions of existence and uniqueness of solutions were also
obtained that way. Further information on these techniques can be found in the book
of J
ACOB (1959) referenced in chapter 1 and also in BIRKHOFF & ZARANTONELLO (1957),
For bodies with continuous curvature, the technique leads to integrals which have to
be evaluated numerically and requires an iterative procedure, whose convergence
is not guaranteed. The solution is made even more complicated if a criterion for the
cavity detachment has to be used. Thus, at the present time, the non-linear, analytic
technique remains a reference rather than an operative method to solve practical
Linearized, analytic methods
were developed to model supercavitating flows around
slender lifting bodies. Such methods assume that the perturbed velocity components
remain small compared to the free-stream velocity. This condition cannot be met in
the vicinity of the leading edge and the cavity closure, so that singularities of the
solution appear at those points.
Two classical problems can be solved easily on the basis of the linearized theory:
® The inverse problem which consists in computing the shape of the foil and the
cavity, given the pressure coefficient on the cavity interface and on the external
boundaries (D
IRICHLET problem).
® The direct problem which consists in computing the pressure coefficient any-
where in the flow field and the cavity shape and length (alternatively the
s-value) given the foil shape and the relative underpressure s (or alternatively
the cavity length l) (mixed N
EUMANN problem).
A detailed example of the use of the linearized method can be found in R
and MICHEL (1975). In this work, the singularity at the leading edge is removed,
using the method of matched asymptotic expansions, which allows us to obtain a
uniformly valid solution near the rounded nose of a truncated foil. It turns out
that the numerical results agree pretty well with the experimental ones. This is
particularly the case for the range of attack angles for which cavitation does not
occur near the leading edge.
Finally there are the purely numerical techniques such as the boundary element
method which is particularly suitable to the modeling of supercavity flows (see
e.g. L
EMONNIER & ROWE 1988). More recently, other techniques of direct interface
tracking have been developed on the basis of the resolution of the E
AVIER-STOKES equations, such as marker techniques or volume of fluid (VOF)
techniques (see e.g. S
CARDOVELLI & ZALESKI 1999). These methods are inherently
unsteady and allow the time evolution of the cavity interface to be followed.