302 Christopher A. Whatley
88. C. A. Whatley, ‘A caste apart? Scottish colliers, work, community and culture
in the era of “Serfdom”, c. 1606–1799’, Journal of the Scottish Labour History
Society, 26 (1991), 9–10; Penny, Traditions, pp. 40–1, 133–8; Fraser, Confl ict and
Class, p. 27.
89. Burt’s Letters, p. 213; Thompson, Customs, p. 361; Buchan, Ballad, p. 23.
90. Aitchison, Servants, p. 101; Buchanan, Travels, p. 36; Mitchell, ‘Memories’,
p. 288.
91. N. Murray, The Scottish Hand Loom Weavers, 1790–1850; A Social History
(Edinburgh, 1979), p. 172.
92. Whatley, Scottish Society, p. 125.
93. Gibson and Smout, Prices, pp. 280–5.
94. Nisbet, ‘Rise of the cotton factory’, p. 69.
95. Whatley, Scottish Society, p. 264.
96. C. A. Whatley, ‘Sound and song in the ritual of popular protest: continuity and
the Glasgow “Nob Songs” of 1825’, in E. J. Cowan (ed.), The Ballad in Scottish
History (East Linton, 2000), p. 155.
97. A. J. Durie, ‘Saltoun Bleachfi eld 1746–1773’, Transactions of the East Lothian
Antiquarian and Field Naturalists Society, 15 (1976), 63; Nisbet, ‘Rise of the
cotton factory’, pp. 165–6.
98. G. Marshall, Presbyteries and Profi ts: Calvinism and the Development of Capitalism
in Scotland 1560–1707 (Edinburgh, 1980), pp. 176–97, 235–47.
99. C. A. Whatley, ‘The experience of work’, in T. M. Devine and R. Mitchison
(eds), People and Society in Scotland, Vol. 1, 1760–1830 (Edinburgh, 1988), pp.
234–39; Nisbet, ‘Rise of the cotton factory’, p. 237.
100. Buchanan, Travels, p. 36; Simonton, ‘Work, trade and commerce’, p. 203.
101. Whatley, Scottish Society, pp. 266–7.
102. PKCA, PE 67/22, Glovers Incorporation of Perth, Index, p. 7.
103. N. P. Hankins and J. Strawhorn (eds), The Correspondence of James Boswell with
James Bruce and Andrew Gibb, Overseers of the Auchinleck Estate (Edinburgh,
1998), pp. 124, 194.
104. Marshall, Presbyteries and Profi ts, p. 185; Butt, ‘Labour relations’, p. 144;
Whatley, Scottish Society, p. 264.
105. Whatley, ‘Experience of work’, p. 244.
106. C. A. Whatley, ‘Women and the economic transformation of Scotland,
c. 1740–1830’, Scottish Economic and Social History, 14 (1994), 29.
107. Houston, Social Change, pp. 185–6.
108. W. Ruddick (ed.), John Gibson Lockhart. Peters Letters to his Kinsfolks (Edinburgh,
1977), p. 168.
109. Mitchell, Memories, pp. 297–8; Buchanan, Travels, p. 3.
110. Whatley, ‘Labour’, pp. 385–6.
111. C. G. Brown, Religion and Society in Scotland since 1707 (Edinburgh, 1997), pp.
112. R. Mitchison and L. Leneman, Sin in the City: Sexuality and Social Control in
Urban Scotland 1660–1780 (Edinburgh, 1998), pp. 40–9; Howatson, ‘Scottish
hairst’, p. 17.
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