274 Christopher A. Whatley
upon which the burgesses’ livestock were grazed and from where turf and
peats were taken for roofs and as fuel for fi res, respectively. Burgh lands
needed to be harvested, and a number of burghs held hiring markets within
their bounds. The commons served too as urban sports-fi elds, the locus of
short periods of respite from everyday working life, and until well into the
eighteenth century were jealously protected by the burghs’ inhabitants.
The calendar of activity generated by the agricultural cycle was as impor-
tant to the great and the good as it was to the labouring poor; for the former
though it was rarely a matter of life and, in the case of harvest failure, priva-
tion and even starvation. Prior to the Union of 1707, estate owning members
of the Scottish parliament tended to stay away from Edinburgh, the nation’s
political capital, to oversee farming operations early in the spring and at the
harvest; attendance at sittings at these times was lower, while those present
were anxious to be gone.
Most of the main landowners took a close inter-
est in their estate accounts and liaised with factors, agents and chamberlains
over matters such as seed procurement, planting, harvesting and market
prospects for their produce; more so in the early 1600s than a century later,
landowners – even those above the rank of laird, bonnet laird or feuar –
managed farming operations in person, and if they were absent their wives
often took over.
With Scotland’s apparent relative economic decline in the second half of
the seventeenth century, penurious yet socially ambitious men of high rank
jostled with each other in what by the century’s end had become an unseemly
scrum for royal favour from a monarch since 1603 based in London. Their
hope was that by obtaining government employment (not necessarily the
same thing as work, particularly where sinecures were landed), they could
tap into a more secure revenue stream.
After the Union of 1707, for many
thousands of Scots, it was patronage that levered them into work, in the
army and navy, the judiciary, the church, the universities – as well as a host
of posts, some comparatively low-ranking, in customs and excise collec-
In an age of acute uncertainty about how ends could be made to meet,
knowledge of the availability of even less prestigious positions that paid a
regular income, no matter how small – as a menial town offi cer, for instance,
invariably resulted in a small torrent of petitions; an added attraction was
that those in these positions were usually provided with clothing and shoes.
Applicants for such posts, where a degree of reliability and perhaps literacy
were required, were often from ‘respectable’ citizens who had fallen on hard
times, as in the case of Perth’s Thomas Lawrence in 1784, a maltman burgess
whose horse had died, and so was no longer able to sell ale, and who was
trying to support his wife and child as a day labourer.
While much changed, there were continuities – not least in the skills
and knacks and the sheer amount of human physical strength required to
carry out certain tasks, supplemented in some processes by animal power,
and later by the use of water, wind and, fractionally, steam. An example is
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