GGOS-D: Integration of Space Geodetic Techniques 535
7 The GGOS-D Terrestrial Reference Frame
A very accurate and stable terrestrial (and celestial) reference frame is one of the
most important contributions of a global geodetic observing system to GEOSS,
the Global Earth Observing System of Systems, as it provides the indispensable
metrological basis for all other Earth observing systems.
Based on the homogeneous and consistent time series of SINEX files generated
for the various techniques, a combined multi-year solution was produced for GGOS-
D. Refined combination methods were developed and applied for a simultaneous
adjustment of the terrestrial reference frame (station positions and velocities), Earth
orientation parameters and the celestial reference frame (quasar coordinates). The
quality of the resulting reference frames (TRF and CRF) together with the details of
the non-trivial combination process (local ties, extended parameter space, ...) may
be found in Angermann et al. (2009, chapter “GGOS-D Global Terrestrial Reference
Frame”, in this volume).
The reference frame results (TRF and CRF) also provided the basis for the sub-
sequent generation of consistent, high-quality time series of geodetic-geophysical
parameters describing the Earth System (see Sect. 8 and Nothnagel et al., 2009).
8 Comparisons and Validation of Long-Term Series of Geodetic
and Geophysical Parameters
The high-accuracy terrestrial and celestial reference frames generated in the frame-
work of the GGOS-D project (see Sect. 7) were the basis for the generation of very
homogeneous and consistent time series of the geodetic and geophysical parameters
that can be determined by the space geodetic techniques (site coordinates, geocen-
ter coordinates, EOPs, troposphere zenith delays and gradients, low-degree gravity
field coefficients). The time resolution of the different parameter types differ from
1to2h(ERPsandtroposphere zenith delays) to 1 week (SLR site coordinates,
low-degree gravity field coefficients). The contributions by Nothnagel et al. (2009)
and by König and König (2009, chapter “GGOS-D Integration with Low Earth
Orbiters”, in this volume) describe the comparisons and validation of these series
in more detail. Among others the following parameters and aspects were studied:
• Site coordinates: The site coordinates of GPS, VLBI and SLR were compared
in detail to validate the seasonal signals that are present in these time series,
i.e., to find out whether amplitudes and phases were the same for the different
space geodetic techniques, an indication that real geophysical phenomena and
not technique-specific artifacts are involved. A considerable part of the seasonal
signal in the GPS and VLBI time series seems to result from loading effects.
The effect of the thermal expansion of the radio telescopes on the VLBI site
coordinate time series was also studied and shows a systematic seasonal variation
in scale of about 0.3 ppb peak to peak.