Abstract Parabolic Equations: Applications to Second Order Parabolic Equations
4.8.1 for p = 2, the second from the first applied to the formal adjoint
A'(,8') and from (4.6.30).
We can now construct the desired extensions in LP(S2).
4.8.3 Theorem.
Let I < p < oo, 9 a bounded domain of class C(2) if
1 < p < 2 (of class C(1+2) with k > m/2 if 2 < p < cc), A0 an operator of
class CO) if I < p < 2 (of class C(k+l) if 2 < p < oo) satisfying the uniform
ellipticity assumption (4.7.2),,8 a boundary condition of type (II) or of type (I)
with y E C(')(F) (y E C(k+')(F) if 2 < p < oo) satisfying
(x)+ p Y_ bj (x) vj <0 (x e F),
l - I
where v = (vi,..., vm) is the outer normal vector at x (if p = oo, this inequality
is y(x) < 0). Finally, let bb E 01w(S2) and
8 5)
= max (c(x)-
P )
. .
(wp = max c (x) ifp = oo ). If 1 <p <oo, the closure AP(fl)=A0(fl) in LP(2)
belongs to C3+(1, wp ). Moreover, if 1 < p < oo, we have
AP(13) = Ao($) = A'
($')* = (Ao ($l) )*,
where A'($') is thought of as an operator in LP'(SZ) (p'-' + p
' =1). Finally,
if p = oo, the closure A,,, ($) =Ao(/3) in C(S2) (Cy(st) if $ is of type (II))
belongs to (2+(1,
Proof We note that if w,, w. are defined by (4.8.5) in relation to
the formal adjoint A', then we check easily that wp = wp. for 1 < p < oo, and
that w = w 1. Obviously we may assume that wp = 0; otherwise we simply
replace Ao($) by A0($)-wPI. The same observation holds for w... We
begin with the case E = LP(R), I < p < 2. It follows from Corollary 4.8.2
that if A > 0 is
large enough, (XI - A0(/3))D(A0($)) is
dense in
(XI - A($))D(A($)) = L2(s2). We see that (JAI - A0($))D(A0(/3)) is dense
in L P(Q), 1 < p < 2, and by virtue of Lemma 3.1.11, Ao ($) is m-dissipative
in LP(2) (recall that Ao($) is dissipative in view of Lemma 4.5.2). The case
p > 2 is slightly more complex to handle. Let f E H"(SZ)fl LP(2) = Hk(s2)
and let u E D(A($)) be the solution of (XI - A(/3))u = f for sufficiently
large A > 0. In view of Theorem 4.7.14 (or Theorem 4.7.12 in the case of
Dirichlet boundary conditions), u E Hk+2(2), hence u E 02)(0) by Theo-
rem 4.7.15. It follows from Corollary 4.7.8 that u satisfies # almost every-
where (thus everywhere) on r, hence u E C(2)(st)s = D(A0(/3)). Since f is
arbitrary we deduce that (XI - A0($))D(A0($)) 2 Hk(st), which is dense
in LP. As we already know that A0($) is dissipative in LP (Lemma 4.5.2),
we obtain again from Lemma 3.1.11 and Remark 3.1.12 that A00) is