Dissipative Operators and Applications
If u,, u2 are two solutions of (3.2.19) in LP, u = u, - u2 satisfies (Ao)*u = Au.
Making use of Lemma 3.2.5, we see that u is twice continuously differentia-
ble and satisfies the equation
au" + bu' + cu = Au
in (- oo, oo). It follows from Lemma 3.2.6 applied to the real and imaginary
parts of u(x) and u( - x) that they are monotonic for large Ixl; since u
belongs to LP, this can only be possible if
lim Iu(x)I = 0,
lXI -i 00
which shows that u belongs to the domain of the operator Ao in Co. We
obtain then from (3.2.26), from the fact that A0 is dissipative in C. and from
inequality (3.1.9) that u = 0. This completes the proof that (A')* is m-
dissipative in LP.
We examine next the case E = Co(- oo, oo), under assumptions
(3.2.21) and (3.2.25). By Lemma 3.2.1 these conditions imply dissipativity of
A0 in Co. Our first concern is to show that A0 (with D(A0) defined as in
Lemma 3.2.1) is closed. In order to do this we consider the operator Ao in
L', with domain 6D. Its adjoint (A')* is a closed operator in L°° and it is not
difficult to see with the help of Lemma 3.2.5(a) that A0 is just the restriction
of (A' )* to the space of all u E D((A0)*)fl Co such that (A' )*u E Co and is
therefore closed.
We are forced to assume now that Ao is dissipative in LP' for some
P'> 1. In view of the comments following (3.2.16), it suffices to assume that
the second inequality (3.2.8) holds for some p > 1.
Let v be an element of Co with compact support. We can employ the
argument previously used in the LP case to produce a solution of (3.2.19)
with A = 1. By Lemma 3.2.5 u must then belong to C(2) and satisfy the
homogeneous equation (3.2.26) for
I x I
large enough, and it follows once
again that Iu(x)I -' 0 as I x I - oo. Hence u E D(A0) and satisfies
(I-A0)u=v. (3.2.27)
If v is an arbitrary element of CO, we take a sequence (vn) in Co such that
the v,, have compact support and converge to v in Co. If u,, is the solution of
(I - A0)un = vn constructed in the previous comments, we obtain from
dissipativity of A0 in Co that
so that (un) is convergent to some u E CO; since A0 is closed, u E D(A0) and
(3.2.27) holds. It follows then that A0 is m-dissipative.
We have proved parts (a) and (b) of the following result.
3.2.7 Theorem. (a) Let the coefficients of the operator A0 satisfy
a(x)>0, c(x)<0 (-oo<x<oo) (3.2.28)
and assume Ao is dissipative in LP' for some p'> 1 (for which a sufficient