further, decimating salaries and retirement benefi ts. Iraqis had to work
two or three different jobs and had to sell their possessions to make
ends meet. Iraq’s health system, one of the best in the Middle East,
broke down, as did its educational structure. Small wonder, then, that
the majority of respondents in the oral history project characterized the
sanctions era as nothing short of total war.
The lack of books, medicine, musical instruments, pencils, or even
new, reliable tires for the family car, all examples of imports stopped
by Committee 661 (the committee established by the UN Security
Council to monitor the implementation of sanctions imposed on
Iraq), brought communication to a standstill. Worn-out tires killed
people as surely as a bullet. Minds starved of learning lost energy.
New and rapidly spreading cancers required novel drugs, of which
there was none. The sale of family heirlooms and furniture, down to
the doors of houses in some cases, by Iraqis needing to augment their
debased state salaries, crushed the human spirit. New markets grew
up in city streets catering to the demand of secondhand goods. Al-
Mutannabi, the street of the booksellers, was only the most famous.
School attendance dropped precipitously, with school-age children
now claiming the streets as their sources of livelihood, and hawking
and peddling became some of the most conspicuous trades in large
cities such as Baghdad. The Iraqi professional class, largely having
run out of their savings and unable to make ends meet because of the
pittances they received as salaries, left the country in droves. And the
public health crisis accelerated, as departing doctors made way for
young and relatively inexperienced interns who, for the fi rst time in
decades, had to handle maladies that had once been thought to have
been wiped out in Iraq, specifi cally malnutrition, diphtheria, and
cholera. The spread of daytime robberies, unheard of in Baghdad until
the mid-1990s, destroyed trust. The extortion of government offi cials
and the rising levels of corruption raised the ordinary Iraqi’s instinct
of self-preservation to a new level. The Baathist regime continued to
pamper some, if not all, of its military personnel (conscripts fared
badly while commanders of the Republican Guard regiments were
well taken care of). The sanctions era, I was told over and over again,
turned Iraqis into machines in which, as one elderly respondent told
me, “we lost the memory of being human.” Signifi cantly, most of the
interviewees noted the existence of an external and internal embargo;
to Iraqis, the fi rst was imposed by the United Nations and the sec-
ond, by the Iraqi government, which, with some notable exceptions,
preyed on Iraq and its long-suffering population.