Greater Occultation, theory of
(ghayba) 86
Greeks 30, 33, 35, 36, 276c. See
also Hellenistic culture
Green Party 264
Green Zone 254
Griffi th, Sidney 91
Guardians of Independence
(Haras al-Istiqlal) 160
Guey, J. 48
Gulf War of 1991 17, 231,
Gutians 13, 15
al-Hadi (caliph of Abbasid
Empire) 79
Hadith (al-ahadith al-nahawiyya)
74, 86–88
Hadjr-al-Yamana 90
Hadrian (emperor of Rome) 49,
Haj, Samira 169, 190
al-Hajj, Aziz 192
al-Hakim, Abd el-Aziz 243, 263
al-Hakim, Muhammed Baqir 239,
al-Hakim, Sayyid Muhsin 200
Hakim family 240
Halab 42
Halabja 225, 284c
Hamadan 101, 128
al-Hamawi, Yaqut xiv, 79
Hammurabi 14, 18–19, 275c
Hammurabi Code 19–21, 20
Haras al-Istiqlal (Guardians of
Independence) 160
Harbiyya 78
Harun al-Rashid (caliph of
Abbasid Empire) 82
Harvard Study Team 235
al-Hashemi, Aquila 251
al-Hashemi, Tariq 233, 264
Hashemite royal family 186,
188, 202
Hashim, Ahmed S. 252–255
al-Hashimi, Yasin 176
al-Hasini, Abdulrahim 264
Hasqail, Sasun 161
Hassan, Faiq 185
Hassan Pasha (governor of
Baghdad) 127, 128–129, 131,
al-Hawi (al-Razi) 89
Hawza 210–211
head scarf (hijab), debate over
health care
in Abbasid Empire 89, 90
in Baathist regime 213
post–Iraq War 251–252,
under sanctions regime
235–236, 238, 239
Hegira (Hijra) 58, 62, 277c
Hellenistic culture 39, 41, 46–47,
Henry IV (king of England) 108
Herat 101
Herodotus 30
hijab (head scarf) 182–183
Hijazis 156
Hijra (Hegira) 58, 62, 277c
Hikmat, Muhammad Ghani 185
Hillah 160
Hippocrates 74
History of the World Conqueror,
The (Ata Malik al-Juvaini)
Hittites 19, 21
Hiyam (princess of Iraq) 186
Hizb al-Ikha al-Watani (Patriotic
Brotherhood Party) 176
Hizb al-Istiqlal (Independence
Party) 178
al-Hizb al-Watani al-Dimuqrati
(National Democratic Party
[NDP]) 178, 179, 198
Hodgson, Marshall 55–56
Homs 81
Hormuz 120, 124
horse master (magister equitum)
hospitals 89, 90, 213
Hourani, Albert 88
House of the Prophet (Al al-
Bayt) 62
al-Huda, Bint 217
Hulegu Khan 98, 100, 101, 102,
132–133, 278c
human rights abuses, under
Baathist/Hussein regime 213,
214, 221–223, 232–233
Hurrians 18
Husayn (son of Ali) 71, 77, 85,
140, 150, 278c
Hussayn, Khalil Ibrahim 196
Hussein (king of Jordan) 184,
Hussein, Qusai 247, 248,
Hussein, Saddam 211
al-Bayyati exile 185
daughters of 286c
and insurgency 252–253
Iraqi views on 246
and Iraq War
capture 253, 286c
evasion of capture 248,
refusal to leave Iraq 247,
Islam and 245, 285c
Kurds and 215
and Kuwait invasion 229
and nationalization of oil
industry 211
Qasim assassination attempt
199, 282c
reorganization of Baath Party
militia 208
Revolutionary Command
Council and 210, 215, 220
rise to power xvi, 210, 283c
as Tikriti 210, 220
trial and execution of 253–
254, 270, 287c
as unifi er of Iraq xiii
Hussein, Udai 247, 248, 285c–
al-Hussein, Faisal bin. See Faisal I
Hussein bin Ali, Sharif 156,
161, 164
Hussein (Saddam) regime. See
also Iran-Iraq War; Kuwait
decay of 244–245
exiled opposition 243, 245
(See also Iraqi National
as mukhabarat state 219,
and national debt 219,
226–228, 261
overthrow of xvi, 248, 248
and al-Qaeda 244, 250
resistance to 239–241
sanctions regime, defi ance
of 219
and September 11th attacks
subsidy payments to tribes
246, 255
totalitarian practices 213,
221–223, 232–233
and WMD 234, 242–243
Hystaspes 32
Ibn al-Athir 101
Ibn Kathir 101
Ibn Khaldun 25
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) 90–91
Ibn Taymiyyah 114
Ibrahim, Izzat 231
Ibrahim Pasha 148
Ideas of the Citizens of the Virtuous
City, The (al-Madina al-Fadila;
al-Farabi) 90
Idris al-Bidlisi 116
ijma (consensus) 69
Ikha Party. See Hizb al-Ikha al-
Il-khanate 97, 105–108, 278c
ilm (special knowledge), doctrine
of 114
iltizam system 136
imam 63, 86
Abbasid efforts to control 87
doctrine of the 72, 86
Sunni views on 114
IMF. See International Monetary
Inalcik, Halill 112
Inanna 5, 5, 9