revolt. See also Iraq War, insur-
Arab (1916) 156, 161, 164,
and coup of 1936 175–176
and coup of 1941 176–177
and coup of 1963 204–205
and coup of 1968 209–210
intifada of 1991 232–233,
Iraqi (1920) 160–161, 169,
183–184, 281c
revolution of 1958 186,
188–189, 189, 282c
Zanj insurrection 93–94,
122, 278c
Revolutionary Command Council
(RCC) 210, 215, 220, 231,
Revolution City 202
revolution of 1958 186, 188–189,
189, 282c
Rich, Claudius James 137
Ridda wars (Apostasy Wars) 60,
61, 277c
Rightly Guided Caliphs (al-rash-
idun) 69, 72
al-Rikabi, Fuad 180
Rim Sin (king of Larsa) 18
al-Riyadh (periodical) 145
el-Robey, Naguib 191
Roman cults 47
Roman Empire
and Christianity, spread
of 56
Christianization of 51
and Parthian Empire 47–49,
and Sassanian Empire 50,
51, 277c
and Seleucid Empire 44, 48
Roux, Georges 1–2, 20, 23
Rumaila oil fi eld 211, 229, 248
Rumsfeld, Donald 249, 250
al-Rusafi , Maruf 183
Russia 243
al-Ruwwad (the Pioneers) 185
al-Sabah, Saad Abdullah 231
sabb (vilifi cation) 114
Sada Bahil (newspaper) 145
al-Sadat, Anwar 190
Saddam City 202
al-Sadi, Ali Salih 205, 209
al-Sadiq, Jaafar 86
Sadiq Khan 137
al-Sadr, Moqtada 257, 263, 266,
287c, 288c
al-Sadr, Sayyid Muhammad Baqir
166, 200, 211, 217, 239–240,
257, 285c
Sadr City 202, 257
Sadrist Movement 263, 265,
Safavi, Ismail 112
Safavid Empire
administration of Iraq 120
end of 126, 279c
and Ottoman Empire 99,
112, 114, 116–117, 119–
120, 124, 134, 279c
religion 114
rise of 112–114, 279c
Safawiyya 112
al-sahaha (Companions) 62
al-Said, Nuri
Abdulillah (prince regent)
and 177, 281c
and Arab Federation 202
Faisal I and 166
Ghazi I and 175, 176–177,
National Front opposition
to 180
as prime minister 172
Saladin. See Salah al-Din
Salahad-Din province 262
Salah al-Din (Saladin) 132
Salahuddin 243, 285c
Salim, Jawad 185, 186
salyane province 119
Samanids 81
Samarqand 101, 105, 108
Samarra 91, 278c, 287c
Samas 9
sanads (title deeds) 147–148
sanctions regime
economy under 237–238,
harshness of 219
health care under 235–236,
238, 239
humanitarian crisis under
235–237, 244, 284c–285c
inspections 234, 242–243,
284c, 285c
lifting of 233
oil revenue distributions
under 233–234
overview xvi, 284c–285c
“smart” sanctions proposal
UN Resolution 661 233
UN Resolution 687 230–231,
233–234, 284c
weakening of 244
Sargon II (king of Assyria) 24
Sargon of Akkad 10–13, 28
Sasan 49
Sassanian (Neo-Persian) Empire
and Arab trade 57
and Muslim Arabs, wars
against 60–61, 66, 277c
Parthian Empire and 46,
49–53, 277c
Persian Empire and 33
religion 50
trade 51–53
satrapies, Persian 34
Saudi Arabia 148, 203, 229, 261,
Saunders, J. J. 103
al-Sawad 145
al-Sayyab, Badr Shakir 184
sciences 38, 88–90, 98
SCIRI. See Supreme Council of
the Islamic Revolution of Iraq
Seal of the Prophets (Khatim al-
Anbiyya) 59
Security Council Resolution
688 232
Security Council Resolution
1409 244
Security Council Resolution
1441 243
Seleucia-in-Pieria 42
Seleucia-on-the-Tigris 40–42,
Seleucid Empire 40–44, 276c–
art 43
artifacts destroyed in Iraq
War 252
fall of 44–45, 47–48, 277c
religion 47
Seleucus I Nikator (Seleucid
king) 40–42, 276c
Seleukeia-Zeugma 42
Selim I (Safavid shah) 115
Seljuk Turks 95–97, 110, 278c
Semitic peoples 26, 29
Sennacherib (king of Assyria)
September 11th terrorist attacks
219, 241–242, 247
Setudeh-Nejad, Shahab 52
Severus, Septimus (emperor of
Rome) 49, 277c
Sèvres, Treaty of (1920) 170, 171
al-Shaab (People’s) Party 176
Shabak 233
cultural affi nities with other
provinces 138–139
under Ottoman rule 115–
116, 126, 130, 134–135,
Shakir, Kamal 264
Shalmaneser III (king of Assyria)
21, 25
Shamash 19, 47
Shammar tribe 127, 145, 146,
165, 195, 279c, 282c
Shamsi-Adad I (king of Ashur)
Shapur I (king of Sassanian
Empire) 50
Shapur II (king of Sassanian
Empire) 51, 277c
sharia 74, 87, 88
Sharika, Walid 264
al-Shawwaf, Abdul-Wahhab
195–197, 282c
Shawwaf Revolt of 1959 195–197
Shaykhly dynasty 112