106 Chapter 7 Polynomial Curve Constructions
j5ti\ _ u3/
Hl{t) = {b-a)Hl{t),
Hl{i) = {b-a)Hl(t\
where t e [0,1] is the local parameter of the interval
Evaluation of (7.15) at
= ^ and i = b yields ^{d) = po, p(b) =
The deriva-
tives have changed, hov^ever. Invoking the chain rule, we find that dp(^)/d^ =
— a)mQ
and, similarly, dp(fc)/d^ = (b
Thus an affine domain transformation changes the curve unless the defining
tangent vectors are changed accordingly—a drawback that is not encountered
with the Bernstein-Bezier form.
To maintain the same curve after a domain transformation, we must change
the length of the tangent vectors: if the length of the domain interval is changed by
a factor a, we must replace mg and
by mo/a and m^/a, respectively. There is an
intuitive argument for this: interpreting the parameter as time, we assume we had
one time unit to traverse the curve. After changing the interval length by a factor
of 10, for example, we have 10 time units to traverse the same curve, resulting in
a much smaller speed of traversal. Since the magnitude of the derivative equals
that speed, it must also shrink by a factor of 10.
We also note that the Hermite form is not symmetric: if we replace ^ by 1
(assuming again the interval [0,1] as the domain), the curve coefficients cannot
simply be renumbered (as in the case of Bezier curves). Rather, the tangent vectors
must be reversed. This follows from the above by applying the affine map to the
[0,1] that maps that interval to
0], thus reversing its direction.
The dependence of the cubic Hermite form on the domain interval is rather
unpleasant—it is often overlooked and can be blamed for countless programming
errors by both students and professionals. We will use the Bezier form whenever
7.6 Quintic Hermite Interpolation
Instead of prescribing only position and first derivative information at two points,
one might add information for second-order derivatives. Then our data are
m^, s^, where So and s^ denote second derivatives. The lowest-
order polynomial to interpolate to these data is of degree five. Its Bezier points
are easily obtained following the preceding approach. If we rearrange the Bezier
form to obtain a cardinal form of the interpolant p, we find