7.3 The Vandermonde Approach 99
We verify (7.4) by observing that the Lagrange polynomials are cardinal: they
L-(?;) = 5,„, (7.6)
being the Kronecker delta. In other words, the /th Lagrange polynomial
vanishes at all knots except at the /th one, w^here it assumes the value 1. Because
of this property of Lagrange polynomials, (7.4) is called the cardinal form of the
interpolating polynomial p. The polynomial p has many other representations,
of course (v^e can rewrite it in monomial form, for example), but (7.4) is the only
form in which the data points appear explicitly.
We have thus justified our use of the term the interpolating polynomial. In
fact, the polynomial interpolation problem always has a solution, and it always
has a unique solution. The reason is that, because of (7.6), the L^ form a basis
of all polynomials of degree n. Thus, (7.4) is the unique representation of the
polynomial p in this basis. This is why one sometimes refers to all polynomial
interpolation schemes as Lagrange interpolation.^
We can now be sure that Aitken's algorithm yields the same point as does (7.4).
Based on that knowlege, we can conclude a property of Lagrange polynomials
that was already mentioned right after
namely, that they sum to 1:
This is a simple consequence of the affine invariance of polynomial interpolation,
as shown for Aitken's algorithm.
7.5 The Vandermonde Approach
Suppose we want the interpolating polynomial p^ in the monomial basis:
4 More precisely, we refer to all those schemes that interpolate to a given set of data points.
Other forms of polynomial interpolation exist and are discussed later.