system has in general a number of symmetries, it is invariant with respect to
transformations of a symmetry group G, translational, rotational invariance, gauge
symmetries and others. Some of the symmetries may be approximate, but obeyed to
a sufficient level of accuracy. For instance in a rare gas liquid the coupling of the
nuclear spin with the rotational motion is so weak that invariance with respect to
spatial rotation and spin rotation may be considered separately. At sufficiently high
temperature, the state of the system is completely disordered, so that its thermo-
dynamic (macroscopic) variables are invariant under the symmetry transformations
of G. The thermodynamic state c fulfills the relation c ¼ gc for all g 2 G and is thus
uniquely determined. In the course of lowering the temperature, phase transitions
may take place with developing non-zero order parameters so that now c is not any
more invariant with respect to all symmetry transformations g of G, but may still be
invariant with respect to a subgroup H of G. Then, c generates an orbit fgcjg 2 Gg
which is isomorphic to the quotient space C ¼ G= H of left cosets of H in G.Itis
this quotient space which figures as the order parameter space C in the above
In the above example of a line defect in R
it was essential only that the defect
free space X was homotopically equivalent to a circle S
. The number of topo-
logical ‘charges’ of the defect is then equal to the number of generators of the
homotopy group p
ðCÞ (one in the above cases). The same would be true for a
point defect in R
or a line defect propagating in time (defect world sheet) in four-
dimensional space–time. For a point defect in R
, X is homotopy equivalent to a
sphere S
enclosing the defect, and hence the number of its topological charges is
equal to the number of generators of p
In general, the number of topological charges of a defect of codimension d in a
state with order parameter space C present in an n-dimensional position space
(i.e., the dimension of the defect is n - d) is equal to the number of generators of
the homotopy group p
In order to develop a non-zero topological quantum number (non-trivial
topological charge), a defect of codimension d in a state with order parameter
space C must have a non-trivial homotopy group p
ðCÞ. Consider as an
example an isotropic magnetically polarizable material. The Hamiltonian does
not prefer any direction in space, besides translational invariance which need not
be considered here (it assures that a magnetization vector smoothly depending on
position has low energy) the continuous symmetry group is SOð3Þ (cf. Chap. 6).
At sufficiently high temperature, above the magnetic order temperature, the
magnetic polarization is disordered on an atomic scale and the state c is
invariant: c ¼ gc for all g 2 G ¼ SOð3Þ. Below the ordering temperature the
magnetization density vector is non-zero. Its absolute value is determined by the
material, temperature and pressure. Its direction may be arbitrary, and all
directions are energetically degenerate. Smooth long wavelength changes of
direction have low excitation energy. If the non-zero magnetization points in a
certain direction, the state is still invariant with respect to rotations of the group
H ¼ SOð2Þ around the axis of polarization. The order parameter space is
2.6 Topological Charges in Physics 49