Carbon nanotubes with single-layer walls
that, in that case, the nanotubes form in the gas phase.
Third, a soft rubbery blanket or collar builds up
around the cathode when iron group metals are used.
This material has been found to contain graphitic poly-
hedral particles, metals or metal carbides encapsulated
in polyhedral particles, string of beads structures[8,16],
and single-layer nanotubes[4,8,16]. Finally, with some
catalysts, notably Co, mixtures of Co with Fe, Ni, Pt,
Bi, and Pb, and Fe/Ni mixtures, web-like materi-
als form inside the chamber when the arc is running
is a scanning electron micrograph (SEM)
of a sample of the web-like material obtained by va-
porizing Co and C under 400 Torr He[3]. The threads
and bundles of carbon nanotubes, often partly clad
with a layer of non-crystalline carbon and fullerenes.
The threads connect rounded particles with typical di-
ameters of a few tens of nanometers. Figure 2a is a
transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of the
nanotube bundles. The sample was prepared by son-
icating some soot in ethanol for a few minutes and
placing a drop of the liquid
a holey-carbon-coated
copper TEM grid. Shown in the micrograph is a re-
gion where a gap in the holey-carbon film was formed
after the soot was put on the grid. Bundled and indi-
vidual nanotubes bridge the
0.25 pm gap. The soot
particles themselves consist of non-crystalline carbon
containing dark spots that have been identified by En-
ergy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and electron
diffraction to befcc-Co particles[3]. Figure 2b, taken
at higher magnification, shows a region where a high
density of tubes span a gap in the soot. The process of
Scanning electron micrograph
the soot taken
the chamber wall; the threads are nanotube bundles.
pulling the tubules out of the soot mass has aligned
them to a striking degree. A high resolution TEM
(HRTEM) image of a group of nanotubes (Fig. 2c)
demonstrates their tendency to aggregate into bundles.
The aggregation process is presumably driven by van
der Waals attraction, which has been shown experi-
mentally to give rise to significant forces between ad-
jacent multilayer nanotubes[22], and is predicted to
give rise to ordering of bundled single-layer nanotubes
into crystalline arrays[23]. A micrograph showing a
bundle of Ni-catalyzed nanotubes end-on lends some
support to this idea[ 171.
The metals
and Gd have been found to facilitate
the growth of urchin particles
consisting of bundles
of relatively short single-layer nanotubes rooted on
and extending radially outward from metal carbide
particles, such as Gd,C,[12,15] and YC2[8,14,17].
These tubules have diameters
to 2 nm, similar to
the longer tubules produced by the iron group metals,
but have lengths
only 10 to 100 nm. These struc-
tures have been found in the primary soot, suggesting
that they form in the gas phase. However, the simi-
lar structures reported for the case of Ni were found
in the rubbery blanket surrounding the cathode[ 16,171.
In that case, the nanotubes radiated from metal par-
ticles that were identified by electron diffraction to be
crystalline fcc-Ni
Ni3C. The Ni-containing parti-
cles were typically encased in several graphitic carbon
layers, and the free ends of the short, radial single-
walled tubes were generally observed to be capped.
In the experiment of Lin
Cu was used in the
anode and single-layer nanotubes formed in the cen-
ter region of the cathode deposit[l8]. These tubes had
lengths of a few tens of nanometers and diameters of
1-4 nm. Unlike tubes produced using transition met-
lanthanides, these nanotubes usually had irreg-
ular shapes, with diameters varying along the tube
axes. From this Lin
infer that the nanotube struc-
tures contain relatively high densities of pentagonal
and heptagonal defects. The tubes were not found to
be associated with Cu-containing particles. Copper
crystallites loosely wrapped in graphitic carbon were
occasionally found in the cathode deposit.
Recently, a non-arc method leading to single-layer
nanotube production was reported. Endo
onstrated that sections of single-layer nanotubes form
at early times when a benzene/hydrogen mixture is
pyrolyzed at 1000°C over a graphite substrate[l9]. In
this work, primary nanotubes quite similar to arc-
produced carbon nanotubes form, in some cases with
only single-layer graphene walls and diameters as small
nm. At later times, these primary pyrolytic car-
bon nanotubes
PCNTs) accrete additional amor-
phous pyrolytic carbon and grow into fibers with pm
diameters and cm lengths. High-temperature anneal-
ing can then be used to increase the crystallinity of the
fibers. The process to make PCNTs is distinguished
from that used to make vapor-grown carbon fibers
(VCGCF)[24,25] by the fact that VGCF is produced
by thermally decomposing hydrocarbon vapor in the
a transition metal catalyst.