Atomistic to continuum coupling methods 2
See [133] for some numerical analysis of these schemes in an atomistic-to-continuum
Let us conclude this section by noting that the methods mentioned above all start
from a fine scale model, which is computationally used in different ways. An alter-
native to multiscale methods is to try and homogenize the fine scale model under
sufficiently weak assumptions, so that the resulting macroscopic model can be used
everywhere in the domain, even if the deformation is not smooth. Along these lines,
we mention the articles [12, 87, 153], where a continuum mechanics model is built, in
which the elastic energy depends not only on the strain, but also on higher derivatives
of the displacement. For instance, a one-dimensional setting is considered in [153]
with the energy
(φ) =
W (φ
(x)) + h
dx (5.11)
for some functions W and W
and some small parameter h. In the same vein, for some
justification on the basis of atomistic models of the physical foundations of a class of
continuum models, namely microcontinuum theories, see [38].
The energy (5.11) is a bulk energy. Some works have also lead to the consideration,
in addition to such a bulk term, of surface energy terms [47] or terms that penalize
displacement discontinuities [32].
See also [131] for the derivation, from an atomistic model, of some continuum mod-
els predicting phase transitions. Note that a Γ-limit approach is often the mathematical
method of choice for such challenging homogenization questions (it was employed,
e.g., in [32] and [131]).
It is not possible in such notes to describe all the recently proposed coupling meth-
ods in details. We just mention here the LATIN method [89, 90], the BSM method
[132, 158], and the Virtual Internal Bond method [71, 72, 83, 84, 85, 105, 156, 161].
Note that several methods have also been proposed in a fluid mechanics context, which
share many features with the methods described here, see [80, 81] and [106, 124, 125]
(with also an application to solid contact modelling [108]). The question of atomistic
to continuum coupling also arises for magnetic forces computation [120, 143]. Here,
the idea is to start from an atomistic model for magnetic forces and pass to the con-
tinuum limit, hence obtaining expressions that only depend on macroscopic variables.
More details on atomistic to continuum coupling methods in materials science can be
read in [29] from a mathematical perspective, and in the review article [44] and in the
monographs [36, 107, 137] from a materials science perspective.
5.6 Temperature and dynamical effects in multiscale methods
Taking into account temperature (that brings in fluctuations and randomnes
s) and dy-
namics (that brings in inertial effects) in an atomistic to continuum coupling method is
a very challenging issue for which a lot of questions are still open.
One viewpoint to take into account temperature is to consider statistical mechan-
ics averages in the canonical ensemble. Consider a system of N particles at positions