224 F
rédéric Legoll
The influence, on the solution of the above variational problem, of introducing a cutoff
adius in V
, as well as the influence of making a QuasiContinuum like approximation
(see Section 5.3) are analyzed.
An alternative approach to global minimization is to look for local minimizers (see,
for instance, [63, 64, 66]). A difficulty linked to this approach is that there are in
general many local minimizers. In that setting, one often proves that, close to a given
atomistic solution, there exists a solution of the hybrid model.
Another possibility is to try and select one local minimizer by some criterion. For
instance, one can consider a gradient flow dynamics [128, 138], which writes, in its
simplest formulation,
= −
In the long-time limit, the solution of the above dynamical system converges to a con-
figuration which is a local minimizer of the energy, and which is considered as the
reference solution of the atomistic model.
Yet another option is to study critical points of the energy rather than local mini-
mizers. See [129, 130] for such a choice in an atomistic to continuum setting (and also
[103] for a study in a two-dimensional setting, under some simplifying assumptions,
reminiscent of convexity assumptions). Note that critical points are also considered in
[12, 153], where the authors go beyond standard continuum mechanics models by con-
sidering elastic densities that depend on second derivatives of the deformation, hence
obtaining a continuum model with a small parameter (see Section 5.5, and energy
(5.11) in particular).
5.3 The QuasiContinuum method and the ghost forces
The method that we have analyzed in Section 4 is a toy example for more advan
methods such as the QuasiContinuum method (QCM). In its initial version [150, 151],
this method starts from the continuum scale, with a standard continuum mechanics
model, discretized by a finite element method. The multiscale feature of the method
appears when the elastic energy of an element is computed. Depending on some crite-
ria, some elements are declared to be too heterogeneously strained for a macroscopic
description to hold, and they are considered as a set of discrete particles. The energy
of each element is computed according to the scale at which the element is described:
either the element is too heterogeneously strained, and its energy is computed on the
basis of an underlying atomistic model, or a standard continuum mechanics formula is
In the second version of the method [146], that we describe below, the opposite
viewpoint is adopted. The starting point is a multibody atomistic energy, which is such
that it is possible to define the energy E
(φ) of the atom i when the current configura-
tion of the atomistic system is φ. We start from the energy
(φ) =
(φ). (5.4)