Aggregates in Unbound Pavement Construction
Aggregate is sometimes used in construction without
cement or a bitumin binder. Examples are a working
platform in advance of construction, structural layers
beneath a road system, a drainage layer, and a re-
placement of unsuitable foundation material. Aggre-
gates for these purposes must be resistant to crushing
and impact effects during compaction and in use, and
when in place they must resist breakdown by we-
athering or by chemical and physical processes and
must be able to resist freeze–thaw processes.
It is likely that recycled aggregates will become
increasingly important in these situations, although
levels of potentially deleterious components, such as
sulphate, may point to a need for caution in the use of
such material. Aggregates for unbound construction
often need to resist the ingress of moisture, since mois-
ture rise and capillary transfer can cause progressive
Mortar consists of a fine aggregate with a binding
agent. It is used as a jointing or surface-rendering
material. Sands for mortar production are excavated
from sand and gravel pits in unconsolidated clastic
deposits and are typically dominated by quartz. They
are used in their natural form or processed by
screening and washing. Rock fines of similar grade
can also be used.
The most important feature of sand for mortar
manufacture is that the space between the aggregate
particles must generally be about 30% by volume.
The volume of binder needs to be slightly greater
than this volume, and hence a relatively high propor-
tion of cement or lime may be required. Should the
space be such that voids occur in the mix, the material
will commonly show early signs of degradation and
will be readily damaged by penetration of moisture.
The space also appears to reduce the capacity of the
mortar to bond with the substrate.
The workability and ease of use of the mixture also
depends on the shape of the particles and the grading
curve. Very uniform sand tends to have a high void
space and therefore requires a high cementitious or
water content and tends to develop a high voidage.
On the other hand, the grading may be such that the
space between the particles is too small and the mix-
ture becomes stiff. The strength and elastic modulus
of the rocks are also important because the resultant
mixture of paste and aggregate must match the
strength and elasticity of the material to which the
mortar is applied. If it is not, then partings are liable to
develop between the binder and the substrate. Simi-
larly, the material must exhibit minimal shrinkage
because again it might become detached from the
This very widely used material has a very diverse
structure and composition and serves many purposes.
It is composed of aggregate graded for the specific
purpose and a binder containing cement. In general,
the properties of the aggregate must match the
intended strength and elasticity of the product, and
it must be highly durable. For many purposes a com-
bination of coarse and fine aggregate with a max-
imum particle size of 20 mm is used. The grading
curve is designed such that an appropriate amount
of space occurs between the particles – typically
around 25% by volume of the mixture. There are
numerous components of aggregate that perform ad-
versely in the medium and long term, so careful study
of the material is required before use. The defective
components are described in several standards, along
with procedures for measuring their effects on the
concrete. Some of these are described below.
In the 1940s it was recognized in the USA that
certain siliceous aggregates could react with alkalis
derived from Portland Cement. This led to spalling of
concrete surfaces and cracking, sometimes in a spec-
tacular manner. The phenomenon occurs throughout
the world, and few rock sources are immune. An
enormous amount of work has been carried out to
evaluate the reaction, both in the laboratory and in
structures. Major international conferences on the
subject have been held. The alkalis for the reaction
derive from the cement and are extracted into the
pore fluid in the setting concrete. The concentration
of alkali in the pore fluid can be affected by external
factors as well as by the internal composition of the
cement matrix. The rock reacting with the alkalis is
typically extremely fine grained or has extremely
small strain domains. Hence, fine-grained rocks,
such as opaline silica within limestone, some cherts,
volcanic glass, slate, and similar fine-grained meta-
morphic rocks, may exhibit a high degree of strain
and so be able to take part in the reaction. More
recently it has been found that certain dolomitic sili-
ceous limestones are also to be avoided, again because
they react with alkalis to cause significant expansion
of the concrete and severe cracking.
See Also
Building Stone. Geotechnical Engineering. Quarrying.
Rock Mechanics. Sedimentary Environments: Alluvial
Fans, Alluvial Sediments and Settings. Sedimentary Pro-
cesses: Glaciers. Sedimentary Rocks: Limestones;
Sandstones, Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution.