assist in the optimization of ovarian stimulation
and embryo culture methods.
An extremely useful approach for investigating
the processes occurring in a biological sample (e.g. a
cell, a tissue, an embryo, etc.) is to examine gene
expression. The activity of individual genes is con-
stantly changing, fluctuating in response to the
changing needs of the cell. Variation in environ-
mental conditions will induce changes in gene
expression, as will factors such as altered metabolic
requirements, the presence of aneuploidy or DNA
damage, progress through the cell cycle, and processes
such as differentiation and apoptosis.
Quantification of the number of mRNA tran-
scripts derived from a given gene provides an indi-
cation of how actively expressed it is. This in turn
provides information on the activity of the cellular
pathways that require the product of that gene.
Embryonic gene expression at different preimplan-
tation stages has been assessed using real-time poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR). This method involves
extraction of RNA from the sample, reverse tran-
scription in order to produce cDNA and PCR
amplification of a cDNA fragment from the gene(s)
of interest. The accumulation of amplified DNA is
measured in each sample tube in real-time (i.e. once
per PCR cycle) by monitoring the fluorescence
emitted by sequence specific probes or generic DNA
stains. All samples are assessed relative to standards
containing known numbers of template molecules.
Measurements taken while amplification is still
proceeding in an exponential fashion, allow the
number of templates in each sample at the begin-
ning of the PCR to be calculated by reference to the
A recent gene expression study focused on genes
with roles in cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, sig-
naling pathways, and apoptosis, functions of great
importance during early development.
transcripts from every gene assessed were detectable
at every stage, from mature oocyte to hatched blas-
tocyst, the number of transcripts at different stages
varied considerably. The quantity of mRNA tran-
scripts was generally high in oocytes, but decreased
dramatically after fertilization, in agreement with
earlier observations.
The data obtained clearly
indicate that transcripts from many genes reach extre-
mely low levels in 2- and 3-cell embryos, in some
cases scarcely above the threshold of detection.
Depletion of maternal mRNA after fertilization
appears to be a normal occurrence and yet may
have great significance for the embryo. Most cellular
pathways are controlled to some degree by the tran-
scriptional activation or repression of specific genes.
In other words, gene expression allows the subtle
control of cellular mechanisms in response to changes
in the intracellular and extracellular environment. It
is likely that prior to the activation of the embryonic
genome many important cellular pathways exist in a
rigid form, controlled by a reservoir of proteins
inherited from the oocyte. Consequently, the embryo
may have limited ability to respond to environ-
mental challenges during this period. This may have
important implications for the practice of in vitro
fertilization and embryo culture methods.
No embryonic gene expression was detected
until the 4-cell stage, consistent with previous data
demonstrating the onset of gene activation.
most cases the increase in transcript number upon
genome activation was modest, however, in a subset
of embryos dramatic increases in expression were
seen for the BRCA1 gene (several hundred fold).
BRCA1 is a multifunctional protein with roles in
cell cycle regulation and DNA repair. The increased
expression of BRCA1 in cleavage stage embryos may
indicate the presence of DNA damage. Such genetic
damage could be derived from the sperm (as indi-
cated by studies employing the sperm chromatin
structure assay)
or the oocyte. It is possible that
DNA repair is relatively inefficient until the embry-
onic genome is activated and fresh gene expression
permits the stimulation of DNA repair pathways.
From the 10-cell to morula stages the activity of
most genes examined stabilized or even underwent
a small decline. Thereafter, expression levels rose
proportionately with increasing cell number, and as
a result, most genes displayed greater transcript
numbers in blastocysts than at any other stage. The
high gene activity in blastocysts is not surprising, as
most of the genes assessed produce proteins that
interact with DNA or chromosomes (i.e. the quan-
tity of protein required is likely to be closely related