Denis Noble developed the first computer model of
a beating heart. Since then, mathematical computa-
tions of biological systems have rapidly escalated to
include analysis, quantification, and descriptions of
complex molecular level events. These progressively
important developments quickly gave rise to the
field of bioinformatics and computational biology,
which is defined as the use of techniques including
applied mathematics, informatics, statistics, com-
puter science, artificial intelligence, chemistry, and
biochemistry to solve biological problems, usually
at the molecular level. Research in computational
biology often overlaps with systems biology. Major
research efforts in the field include sequence align-
ment, gene finding, genome assembly, protein
structure alignment, protein structure prediction,
prediction of gene expression, and protein–protein
interactions, and the modeling of evolution.
The terms bioinformatics and computational
biology are often used interchangeably. However,
bioinformatics more properly refers to the creation
and advancement of algorithms, transformations,
discriminant analysis, computational, and statistical
techniques and theory to solve formal and practical
problems posed by or inspired from the management
and analysis of biological data. Computational biol-
ogy, on the other hand, refers to hypothesis-driven
investigation of a specific biological problem using
computers, carried out with experimental and sim-
ulated data, with the primary goal of discovery and
the advancement of biological knowledge. A typical
metabolomics experiment, for example, will gener-
ate volumes of data that need to be converted into
useful information and knowledge.
Systems biology studies the interactions between
the components of a biological system, and how these
interactions give rise to the function and behavior
of that system; for example, the interactions between
enzymes and metabolites in a specific metabolic
Typically, a cellular network is modeled
mathematically. Due to the large number of param-
eters, variables, and constraints in cellular networks,
numerical and computational techniques are used.
Other aspects of computer science are also used
in systems biology, including text mining to find
parameter data from literature, online databases,
and repositories for sharing data and models.
The systems biology approach is characterized
by a cycle of theory, computational modeling and
experiment to quantatively describe cells or cell
Since the objective is to model all the
interactions in a system, the experimental techniques
that most suit systems biology are those that are sys-
tem-wide and attempt to be as complete as possible.
Therefore, metabolomics, proteomics, and high-
throughput techniques are used to collect quantitative
data for the construction and validation of models.
Metabolite or biomarker analysis typically addresses
two issues: (1) separation of the biomarkers, usually
by a form of chromatography or electrophoresis,
particularly capillary electrophoresis; and (2) detec-
tion and quantification of the biomarkers, depend-
ing on the methodologies used. A summary of the
more commonly used separation and detection
techniques is provided below.
Gas chromatography (GC) is often used in concert
with mass spectrometry (MS). This combination
method, often referred to as GCMS, is one of the
most widely used and powerful methods. It offers
very high chromatographic resolution, but requires
chemical derivatization for many biomolecules:
only volatile chemicals can be analyzed without
derivatization. Many large and polar metabolites
cannot be analyzed by GC.
Compared with GC, high performance liquid chro-
matography (HPLC) has lower chromatographic