while method 2 produced the smallest diameters
and the largest number of overlaps and misdiagnoses
(p 0.005). However, Carnoy’s method (method 1)
can be more difficult to master, and in some hands
produces a larger proportion of lost cells,
but at
the same time a larger number of cells that can be
In conclusion, Carnoy’s method is more difficult
to master, and more cells may initially be lost by
novices with the technique, but once it is mastered it
produces larger nuclear diameters, which translate
into fewer signal overlaps and fewer FISH errors.
Not surprisingly, PGD laboratories using method 2
usually report high error rates, unmanageable rates
of discordance between cells, and no improvement
of ART outcome after PGD of infertility.
In order to study as many chromosomes as possible,
several types of FISH protocols have been used to
maximize the use of a limited number of fluo-
rochromes. One approach used ratios of fluoro-
chromes, but this has the disadvantage that
overlapping signals from two different chromo-
somes sharing one or more colors may produce a
misdiagnosis. Therefore, single colors are favored,
but there are only five colors in the visible spectrum
that can be analyzed simultaneously. Thus, in order
to study more than five chromosomes, the re-analy-
sis of the same nucleus with different probes was
The second set of probes works
with high efficiency (95%). Coupled with fast pro-
tocols this allows ten chromosomes to be analyzed
simultaneously in a single interphase nucleus,
within a time frame that is compatible with routine
We have improved the use of a third
consecutive hybridization, which is capable of
simultaneously analyzing up to 15 chromosomes,
with only a 12% error rate.
The question of which chromosomes should be
studied, and whether a minimum number of chro-
mosomes analyzed is needed in order to improve
ART outcome needs to be addressed. Analysis of
thousands of cleavage stage embryos for 16 different
chromosomes (X, Y, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 21, 22), demonstrates that the chromosomes
most commonly found in aneuploidies are chro-
mosomes 22 (6.6%), 16 (5.2%), 15 (4.7%), and 21
(Table 18.3). Thus, the chromosomes
with the highest proportion of trisomies or risk of
reaching term should be detected by the analysis.
The standard panel of probes that has produced
an improvement in ART results
contains nine
probes, for chromosomes X, Y, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22
plus one more. Studies with fewer probes have not
been able to show an improvement in implanta-
tion rates, although a reduction in spontaneous
abortions has been found.
The use of PGD in infertility has been criticized on
the basis that determining the chromosome com-
plement is unpredictable, due to high levels of
mosaicism in the early human embryo. Whereas
such reservations are sometimes valid, they are not
always based on biological phenomena, and tech-
nology may play a role in artificially amplifying the
true rates of mosaicism. This section deals with the
sources of errors that may be caused by technical
and biological problems during the analysis of sin-
gle blastomeres. Polar body and blastocyst biopsy
errors are not evaluated here.
When a single cell is analyzed, several types of
technical problems may result in a misdiagnosis of
that cell. These problems include unsuitable probe
hybridization, loss of DNA during fixation, signal
overlaps, stretched signals, and double chromatids
giving the appearance of two close signals. In addi-
tion, biological phenomena such as micronucleation
and mosaicism may render the cell not representa-
tive of the rest of the embryo. Criteria for differenti-
ating between mosaicism and false positives and
negatives have been previously described.
criteria apply only when all or most of the cells of an
embryo are analyzed, and when all of the remaining
embryo cells are fixed on day 3, or at the latest, early
on day 4. This is due to the fact that some abnormal
embryos arrest and degenerate between day 4 and 5,
so that the remainder are enriched with normal
embryos, and at the same time there is an increase in