which you hear it [our cause] daily traduced: that its only tendency
is to wrest the scepters of kings out of their hands, to overturn
all the tribunals... to subvert all order and government, to disturb
the peace and tranquillity of the people, to abrogate all laws, to
scatter all properties and possessions, and, in a word, to involve
everything in total confusion....
Wherefore I beseech you, Sire- and surely it is not an
unreasonable request- to take upon yourself the entire cognizance of
this cause, which has hitherto been confusedly and carelessly
agitated, without any order of law, and with outrageous passion rather
than judicial gravity. Think not that I am now meditating my own
individual defense in order to effect a safe return to my native
country; for though I feel the affection which every man ought to feel
for it, yet, under the existing circumstances, I regret not my removal
from it. But I plead the cause of all the godly, and consequently of
Christ Himself....
Is it probable that we are meditating the subversion of kingdoms?-
we who were never heard to utter a factious word, whose lives were
ever known to be peaceable and honest while we lived under your
government, and who, even now in our exile, cease not to pray for
all prosperity to attend yourself and your kingdom!... Nor have we, by
Divine Grace, profited so little in the Gospel, but that our life
may be an example to our detractors of chastity, liberality, mercy,
temperance, patience, modesty, and every other virtue....
Though you are now averse and alienated from us, and even inflamed
against us, we despair not of regaining your favor, if you will only
read with calmness and composure this our confession, which we
intend as our defense before your Majesty. But, on the contrary, if
your ears are so preoccupied with the whispers of the malevolent as to
leave no opportunity for the accused to speak for themselves, and if
those outrageous furies, with your connivance, continue to persecute
with imprisonments, scourges, tortures, confiscations, and flames,
we shall indeed, like sheep destined for the slaughter, be reduced
to the greatest extremities. Yet shall we in patience possess our
souls, and wait for the mighty hand of the Lord... for the deliverance
of the poor from their affliction, and for the punishment of their
despisers, who now exult in such perfect security. May the Lord, the