them." `062044 He repudiated again the notion that the Holy Roman
Empire was a gift of the popes; on the contrary, he thought, the
time had come for the Empire to absorb the Papal States.
Fall to, now, Emperor, King, princes, lords, and whoever will fall
to along with you; God brings no luck to idle hands. And first of all,
take from the pope Rome, the Romagna, Urbino, Bologna, and all that he
has as a pope, for he got these by lies and tricks; with blasphemies
and idolatry he has shamefully filched and stolen them from the
Empire, has trampled them under foot, and therefore has led
countless souls to their reward in the eternal fire of hell....
Therefore ought he, the pope, his cardinals, and all the rabble of his
idolatry and papal holiness, to be taken and, as blasphemers, have
their tongues torn out by the backs of their necks, and nailed in rows
on the gallows. `062045
Perhaps his mind had begun to fail when he wrote this clarion call
to violence. The gradual poisoning of the internal organs by time
and food and drink may have reached and injured the brain. In his last
years Luther became uncomfortably stout, with hanging jowls and
convoluted chin. He had been a volcano of energy, a restless
Leviathan, saying Rast Ich, so rost Ich - "If I rest I rust." `062046
But now spells of weariness came upon him; he described himself
(January 17, 1546) as "old, decrepit, sluggish, weary, cold, with
but one good eye." `062047 "I am tired of the world, and it is tired
of me," he wrote; `062048 and when the Electress Dowager of Saxony
wished him forty more years of life, he answered, "Madam, rather
than live forty years more, I would give up my chance of
paradise." `062049 "I pray the Lord will come forthwith and carry me
hence. Let Him come, above all, with His Last Judgment; I will stretch
out my neck, the thunder will burst forth, and I shall be at
rest." `062050 To the end he continued to have visions of the Devil;
and, now and then, doubts of his mission. "The Devil assaults me by
objecting that out of my mouth great offenses and much evil have
proceeded; and with this he many times vehemently perplexes
me." `062051 Sometimes he despaired of the future of Protestantism:
"godly servants of the Most High become rarer and rarer"; `062052