described the native plants of Germany, and its 135 woodcuts were
models of fidelity. Euricius Cordus, city physician to Bremen, set
up the first botanical garden (1530) north of the Alps, attempted an
independent summary of the nascent science in his Botanilogicon
(1534), and then returned to his medical medium in his Liber de
urinis. His son Valerius Cordus wandered recklessly in the study of
plants, met his death in the search at the age of twenty-nine
(1544), but left for posthumous publication his Historia
plantarum, which vivdly and accurately described 500 new species.
Leonard Fuchs, professor of medicine at Tubingen, studied botany at
first for pharmaceutics, then for its own sake and delight. His
Historia stirpium (1542) was typical of scientific devotion; its 343
chapters analyzed 343 genera, and illustrated them with 515
woodcuts, each occupying a full folio page. He prepared a still more
comprehensive work with 1,500 plates, but no printer would undertake
the expense of its publication. The genus Fuchsia is his living
Perhaps the most important single idea contributed to biology in
this period was Pierre Belon's demonstration, in his Histoire...
des oyseaux (1555), of the astonishing correspondence of the bones in
men and birds. But the greatest figure in the "natural science" of
this age was Conrad Gesner, whose work and learning covered so wide
a field that Cuvier called him the Pliny, and might have called him
the Aristotle, of Germany. Born of a poor family in Zurich (1516),
he showed such aptitude and industry that the city joined with private
patrons to finance his higher education in Strasbourg, Bourges, Paris,
and Basel. He made or collected 1,500 drawings to illustrate his
Historia plantarum, but this work proved so expensive to print
that it did not emerge from manuscript till 1751; its brilliant
classification of plant genera by their reproductive structures
reached the light too late to help Linnaeus. He published during his
lifetime four volumes (1551-58), and left a fifth, of a gigantic
Historia animalium, which listed each animal species under its Latin
name, and described its appearance, origin, habitat, habits,
illnesses, mental and emotional qualities, medical and domestic
uses, and place in literature; the classification was alphabetical
instead of scientific, but its encyclopedic accumulation of