used in biogeochemical exploration contain tens to hundreds ppm Al. On reduction
to ash, these co ncentrations are magnified 30- to 100-fold, depending on the type of
tissue, so that the content of ash is frequently in the range of 0.1–1% Al. Thus, as in
the case of B, the potential addition to samples of a few or tens ppm Al from contact
with the Al trays is not significant for most purposes. Of course, other vessels should
be used if low-level Al determinations are required.
Temperature control can be particu larly important for a number of reasons, not
least of which is that aluminium trays melt at around 550 1C. Also, at around this
temperature, the carbonate component of the ash may start to dissociate releasing
(and possibly some higher temperature phases of metals contained within the
ash), especially if the ash contains a magnesite component. Kovalevsky (1987) notes
that the chemical composition of plant ash approximates that of dolomi tized car-
bonate rocks and so plant ash can be treated as if it is a carbonate.
Tests on dry black spruce samples show that between 100 and 475 1C there is a
weight loss of approximately 98% for twigs and outer bark scales and 97% for
needles; between 475 and 700 1C there is a further loss from the 475 1C ash weight of
15–20%. As the temperature increase continues, additional weight losses occur as
some elemental oxide bonds break down (e.g., PdO), and by the time 900 1Cis
reached all of the carbonate has dissociated releasing CO
, and for some tissues a
fused pellet has formed. Elements that show significantly higher concentrations in
ash heated to 900 1C, mostly due to breaking of oxide bonds, include Al, Au, Ba, Eu,
Ga, Ge, Li, Na, Pb, Pd, Yb and W. If ceramic crucibles are used for high-temper-
ature ashing, some tissues are sufficiently reactive at 900 1C for the remaining ash to
further complic ate the situation by fusing with the crucible itself, introducing con-
taminants from the crucible.
The door to the muffle furnace or kiln should remain closed throughout the
ashing process, because if it is opened a rush of fresh oxygen can cause partially
decomposed samples to ignite. This sudden and localized increa se in heat can cause
differential losses of elements among the samples (because of differing temperatures
of element dissociation) with the result that analytical results cannot be effectively
compared. Furthermore, flash fires in the furnace can cause partial or even complete
melting of some aluminium trays. In the former Soviet Union large scale biogeo-
chemical exploration programmes sometimes used open fires to rapidly reduce sam-
ples to ash in the field, claiming that they were able to treat 200–1000 samples per
shift and that the temperature of ashing ranged from 400 to 700 1C with ashing time
ranging from 20 min to 4 h (Kovalevsky, 1987). Kovalevsky noted that
the percentage losses of volatile elements for background and mineralized samples under
standard ashing conditions are similar and have no effect on the main results of ex-
ploration: i.e., the shape, degree of contrast, and intensity of biogeochemical anomalies
and haloes.
Given what is now known about element volatilization at increasing temperatures,
these conditions, although expeditious in the field, are rather too semi-quantitative for
Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration