Results of the Athabasca survey showed that within an area of 10,000 km
trees sampled yiel ded concentrations of at least 10 ppm U. Inside this vast area, the
50 ppm U contour encompassed 3000 km
, and the 100 ppm contour extended over
an area of 1000 km
, reaching a maximum concentration of 2270 ppm U at Rabbit
Lake (Dunn, 1982). In hindsight, this unique occurrence of a massive biogeochemical
uranium province near the eastern margin of the Athabasca Sandstone could have
been identified by sampling just 1 tree per 1000 km
. There is further discussion of
this U anomaly in Chapter 11.
The extraordinary size of the Wollaston U anomaly appears to be rare, although a
regional Mo ‘province’ approaching this size has been identified in Russia (Kovalevsky,
pers. comm., 1983). Subsequently, a large Mo anomaly defined by lodgepole pine bark
(Pinus contorta) has been established around the Endako molybdenum mine in central
British Columbia. The contour of 20 ppm Mo in bark ash (approximately ten times
background) extends for over 5000 km
(Dunn, 1999). In the Endako area, although
dust from the mining operations contributes to the high levels encountered, historical
records indicate similar levels in plants collected from the mine site in the 1960s during
the early days of mining operations (Warren et al., 1953; Warren and Delavault, 1965;
Warren, pers. comm., ca. 1988).
In addition to identifying major geochemical provinces, low-density surveys can be
undertaken to outline large geochemical systems and significant mineral ‘camps’. As
part of a regional survey of about 20,000 km
of Nova Scotia, focussing primarily on
balsam fir (Abies balsamea), at every fifth fir sample site the outer bark from red
spruce (Picea rubens) was collected at a sample density of just 1 tree per 50 km
a 5000 km
area of eastern Nova Scotia (Dunn, 1989). For this survey, the network of
roads and forestry trails was used for gaining access, and the trees sampled were each
at least 50 m from any roadside or other sign of disturbance. From simply plotting
multiples of the median values of the element concentrations, the distribution patterns
of Au, As, Sb and Se each outlined the main gold camps (Fig. 5-1) of which the north-
easterly trend from Goldenville to Forest Hill was the most notable.
Additional examples of low-density biogeochemical surveys in Canada include
publications from Man itoba (Fedikow et al., 1997a,b, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002), in
central British Columbia (Dunn et al., 1994c, 1996b; Dunn and Hastings, 1998, 1999,
2000), in Newfoundland (Dunn et al., 1995b) and in Alberta (Seneshen et al., 2005).
In Australia, Cohen et al. (1998, 1999) conducted two reconnaissance surveys that
included the analysis of foliage from several common plant species. The larger of
these surveys encompassed 14,000 km
of north-east ern New South Wales and, since
it included a comparison with stream sediments, sample sites were close to streams
(Cohen et al., 1999). Among their conclusions, they found that genera capable of
accumulating high concentrations of trace elements in the vicinity of mineralization
included Co and REE in Eucalyptus,AsinCallistemon (bottle brush) and Au in
Casuarina (River She-oak).
This last-mentioned survey brings up another point for consideration – the pre-
ferred topographic location of sample stations. In some areas, there is sufficient
Survey Design and Comparisons with Other Sample Media