o1 ng/mL – Be, Mg, Ca, Sc, Mn, Sr, Y, Ba, Eu, Yb, Lu.
o 10 ng/mL – Li, B, Na, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Mo, Rb, Ag, Cd,
La, Hf, Re, Au, Hg, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Th.
o100 ng/mL – Al, P, S, K, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Nb, Ru, Pd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, I, Ta, W,
Os, Ir, Pt, Tl, Pb, Bi, Ce, Pr, U.
o 1 mg/mL – Rb.
Practical detection limits are greater than these optimal instrumental limits, by
factors generally from 2 to 5 depending on sample type, interferences and conditions
of the analysis. Spectral interference from major elements in particular can preclude
the use of an analyte’s most sensitive line and hence detection power can be further
degraded. If 2 g of dry vegetation are digested in an oxidizing mixture of aqua regia
or HNO
and dissolved in a final volume of 20 mL (i.e., 10-fold dilution) for
nebulizing into the ICP, in most plant species only about 15 elements can readily be
determined. They are, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Sr, Ti and Zn.
Other elements would require some form of pre-concentration prior to analysis. If
the vegetation is ashed, concentrations of many of these elements are raised to high
enough levels for easy measurement.
Table 7-I shows concentration levels typically reported by commercial labora-
tories employing ICP-ES following aqua regia or HF–HNO
tion. These values are ideal and the presence of high concentrations of certain
elements can increase these detection limits substantially.
Over a number of years in the 1990s, ICP-ES data were obtained at the Geo-
logical Survey of Canada on an in-house control designated ‘V6’. This control was
prepared by accumulating a large amount of jack pine twigs (Pinus banksiana), with
lesser amounts of bark and needles, from forest near Ottawa. Some of this mate rial
was reduced to ash by controlled ignition at 475 1C. This ash was used as a guide to
the analytical precision obtained for many thousands of samples, mostly by inserting
one split of V6 within each batch of 20 samples. The data acquired by ICP-ES
determinations of 240 samples of this material has been averaged and the standard
deviation computed. This provides a useful guide as to the precision that can be
expected from low-cost multi-element determinations by commercial laboratories.
The data are summarized in Table 7-II and, for general reference, the equivalent
concentrations in dry tissue have been calculated. These are based upon a consistent
ash yield of 4.8% for V6.
The reader should be aware that there are a number of sophisticated techniques
for digesting plant material and introducing the analyte into the plasma in order to
obtain improved precision, accuracy and detection levels for certain elements.
However, these are not readily accessible to the exploration geochemists, or they
would add considerable expense to an analytical programme. Hall (1995) elaborates
on many of these techniques and provides a long list of references. The subject
is huge, with more than 4000 papers written up till 1990 on just flow injection
Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration