sample weighs less than 250 g when dry. This dry weight comprises 30% needle, 25%
twig and 45% cones.
Given this breakdown of tissue types, the original sample of black spruce weighing
500 g yields approximately 100 g of dry twig tissue (including the thick stem compris-
ing the spire of the tree, which can represent half of this twig weight). This is plenty of
material if the analytical programme calls for analysis of dry tissue, because only 1 g is
the usual requirement for most multi-element analytical procedures. However, some
survey programmes, such as those designed to determine the very low concentrations
of PGEs that are present in plant tissue, require preconcentration of elements by
reduction to ash. The ash yield of dry spruce twigs is 1.5–2%, so that of the original
large ball of fresh treetop material weighing 500 g, the ash yield of all the twigs and
stems is o2 g of ash. Also, since the stem should be discarded, there is barely 1 g of
twig ash available. Fortunately, most multi-element analytical programmes require
only 0.25 g of ash, or 0.5 g at the most, so there is sufficient ash available.
This example demonstrates two important points of relevance to biogeochemical
Although from a 500 g ball of fresh black spruce top there would appear to be
ample material for analysis, it is sobering to realise how very little ash (1 g) that
there is available from that part of the treetop where most of the elements of
economic significance are sequestered – namely in the thin twigs.
Secondly, the often-high concentrations (compared to soils) that are reported from
the ash of plant tissues are a resul t of the localization of elements in specific plant
organs, and their further concentration by reducing the dry matter to ash.
A final point for treetop sampling is that the cost of collection is not as high as
might at first be thought. If an exploration programme has a helicopter on site for
other activities, and the flying cost is, for simplicity of calculations, $1000 /h, once a
sampling crew is up to speed, about 50 samples can be collected in 1 h, for an average
cost of $20 of helicopter time per sample. Large areas can be covered in a short
period of time, regardless of terrain and ground conditions. In the northern forests
the ground is frozen and snow-covered for half the year, thereby precluding the easy
collection of soil samples (a power augur would be required), yet in no way inhibiting
the collection of treetops. Even at 20 1C an appropriately dressed crew is still able
to function quite efficiently, although at temperatures above zero productivity does
improve. Furthermore, in the summer months a ground crew might only collect
10–20 soil samples per day at 250 m intervals in heavily forested and/or rugged
terrain, whereas a helicopter crew can comfortably expect to get 300 samples a da y at
the same sampling interval – with the added bonus of not having to fig ht off the flies
and mosquitoes! Sometimes the vegetation can be the more informative medium, and
sometimes the soils. If, from test samples, the soils are clearly superior, then the extra
effort should go into launching a soil-sampling program me. However, if the veg-
etation is the more informative medium, or it is as equally informative as the soils,
then the expediency of the treetop sampling procedure is well worth considering.
Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration