Thus, during the growing season there are constant fluxes of elements through a
plant, such that the chemistry of a sample collected in the spring cannot be readily
compared to that of another sample from the same plant that is collected later in
the year. In addition to the natural cycling of plant saps, salts that accumulate on
leaf surfaces and cu ticle that dries and spalls in hot weather (Fig. 4-1) are steadily
removed, along with their trace elements, by rain and wind. As foliage drops to the
ground in the autumn, and as plants die, they return their metals to the ground to be
picked up by the next generation of vegetation growth that, in turn, attains its own
equilibrium as it establishes its metabolic requirements. It appears that chemical
equilibrium of the microenvironment that surrounds a tree is soon established –
perhaps within a few generations of growth.
Throughout the forests of North America, Europe and Russia and locally
throughout the rest of the world, the sample medium that is commonly the most
informative (and the easiest to obtain and process ) is the scaly outer bark of conifers.
Bark can be scraped from around the circumference of the tree, preferably at chest
height (for both consistency and practical purposes). It is sometimes necessary to first
snip off branches at the tree trunk in order to expedite bark scraping. Whereas a
hunting knife can be used to scrape off bark scales directly into a paper bag (ensuring
that the knife blade is pointing upward while scraping downward so that it does not
dig into the inner bark), a hardened steel paint scraper and a dustpan with a semi-
circle cut out (to rest against the curve of the tree trunk) is a more effective com-
bination (Fig. 4-4). Bark scrapings can then be poured into an appropriate sample
bag. Ragnar Bruaset, a prospector, from British Columbia, first suggested this in-
novative technique after he had grazed a few knuckles using the hunting knife
Some conifers (mostly the firs) have smooth barks that are impractical to collect,
and are not particularly informative. Balsam fir, as an example, has a smooth bark
studded with resin-filled blisters. The outer bark is difficul t to shave off, the blisters
yield messy smears of sticky resin, and furthermore the material yields low levels of
most elements of economic interest.
Elsewhere in the world some mature deciduous trees develop bark textures that
are sufficiently scaly for a few grams to be scraped off (e.g., Fig. 4-5). In a study of 23
species commonly found throughout Amazonia, most metals proved to be more
concentrated in outer bark than in foliage (Dunn and Angelica
, 2000), with a notable
exception being Hg whi ch yielded considerably higher concentrations in the leaves
(Table 4-XI).
There are usually substantial differences between the compositions of the outer
bark (‘rhytidome’) and the inner bark (‘bast’), so with rare exceptions it is important
to separate the two tissues. This should be undertaken in the field, because if a
complete bark profile is collected and allowed to dry, it becomes difficult to separate
Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration