commonly not a good correlation between plant and soil chemistry, especially in
areas where there is exotic overburden.
The microscopic mycorrhizal fungi on root surfaces effectively transfer nutrients
into plant structures. Discussion of these mechanisms is given in Chapter 1, where it is
noted that the complex microenvironment surrounding roots can be highly corrosive
and soil acidity derived from organic acids can be as low as pH 1. Furthermore, simply
because plants minimize the energy output required to flourish, roots will take the path
of least resistance and first accept elements in gaseous form, then those in solution, and
then seek out additional requirements by selectively extracting labile elements that are
loosely bonded to soil surfaces or rock fractures. Russian workers have indicated that
gases are absorbed by plants 3000 times more readily than elements in solution, and
the latter are absorbed 300 time more readily than elements locked in the crystal
lattices of minerals comprising rocks or soils (Kovalevsky, 1974). Loosely bound
elements are mostly adsorbed to soil coatings of amorphous manganese and iron oxide
coatings. These coatings are the targets, also, of various soil selective extraction tech-
niques used in exploration geochemistry. Consequently, the plant can be considered as
a type of selective leach process. Once the sources of elements in gases, in solutions and
adsorbed on surface coatings have been exhausted, further plant requirements are met
by attacking the less labile components of the substrate – the crystalline phases of soils
and bedrock.
Many texts suggest that for biogeochemical exploration to be successful there
should be a high correlation between the metal content of the soil and that of the
plant (Bro oks, 1983). This is a valid concept for some parts of the world where there
are residual soils. However, as noted in the first chapter, plants establish barriers to
metal uptake in order to protect themselves from potential toxicity so that over a
broad range of concentrations the metal content of a plant may not be proportional
to the metal content of the soil (Kovalevsky, 1987, 1995a). Consequently, a good
positive correlation between plant and soil chemi stry does not always occur, espe-
cially where exotic overburden such as lacustrine clay, alluvial plain silt, glacially
derived material, or wind-blown loess has been deposited on mineralized bedrock.
This situation may be further complicated by elements that remain dissolved in
groundwater and taken up directly by plant roots without precipitating in the soil
medium. This is particularly true of highly soluble elements (e.g., halogens and some
U complexes) that can remain in solution until intercepted by the rhizosphere (root
zone) of a tree. Furthermore, although some elements may be absorbed directly from
the interaction of their roots with the groundwater and/or the capillary fringe of the
water table, others may be taken up in gaseous form (e.g., Hg and halogens). In
summary, whereas the physicochemical environment of the soil may not be co ndu-
cive to element adsorption from groundwater or gaseous phases, plant roots can
absorb elements directly from these phases and concentrate them in the plant tissues.
For these reasons, whereas plant to soil coefficients can be established in lab-
oratory experiments, the real world is rarely that simple. In attempting to determine
the relationship between the chemistry of the soil and that of a tree, the usual
Field Guide 2: Sample Selection and Collection