268–270; Korea and, 265, 277, 278, 422–423, 431,
553, 559–560, 602, 609, 654; labor in, 608–609, 635;
land problems in, 426; language of, 274; lifestyle in,
270–271, 426–427; Manchuria and, 559, 602, 609;
marriage in, 271, 428; Meiji Restoration in, 554–557,
558 (map), 561–562, 768; militarism in, 620;
mobilization for World War II, 634–635; Mongols
and, 250; Nanjing and, 622; Nara period in, 267;
Pearl Harbor attack by, 624–625, 627 (map); peasants
in, 270, 271, 426, 428; Philippines and, 521; politics
in, 555; Polo, Marco, in, 337; population in, 425–426;
Portugal and, 423, 424; prehistoric period in, 264;
religion in, 271–273, 770; rise of modern, 553–562;
Russo-Japanese War and, 484, 486, 559; samurai in,
268; Shidehara diplomacy in, 609; Sino-Japanese War
and, 545, 558–559, 560; society in, 426–428, 556–
557, 561, 562, 606–608, 768, 769–771; Southeast Asia
and, 631; state (nation) in, 264–270; Taiwan, 609;
Tokugawa shogunate in, 333, 422–430, 422 (map);
trading routes of, 265 (map); values in, 557; West
and, 423–424, 516, 553–554, 555, 557, 562; women
in, 271, 275, 428, 557, 635, 769–770; a er World
War II, 636, 767–769; World War II and, 624–626,
629, 631; zaibatsu in, 608–609. See also World War I;
World War II; speci c wars
Japan’s Emergence as a Modern State (Norman), 561
Jati (Indian caste), 211
Java, 227, 229, 230, 335, 336, 351, 471; kingship in, 353;
Mongols and, 250; population of, 524
Jazz, 718
Je erson, omas, 447
Jerusalem, 9 (map), 21, 22, 121, 388; bishops of, 287; in
Crusades, 167–168, 306, 307, 320; Dome of the Rock
in, 178; siege of (701), 24, 168; Temple Mount in, 740
Jesuits, 369, 369; in Africa, 346; in China, 411–412,
414; in India, 399; in Japan, 424; in Latin America,
446, 446
Jesus of Nazareth, 44, 121, 121
Jews and Judaism, 93; in Andalusia, 170; Arab world
and, 737–740; “Cremation of the Strasbourg Jews,
e,” 324; Crusades and, 308; Cyrus the Great and,
24; Hitler and, 618, 628; Holocaust and, 629–631, 630;
naming of, 22; in Nazi Germany, 619; in Ottoman
Empire, 391; in Palestine, 509–510, 598, 599; pogroms
against, 324, 509; Rome and, 120–121; scholarship of,
305; in Soviet Union, 665; Zionism and, 509–510.
See also Anti-Semitism; Hebrews; Israel
Jiang Qing (China), 681
Jiangxi (Kiangsi) Province, 603
Jiang Zemin (China), 684
Jihad, 162
Jimmu (divine warrior, Japan), 264, 266
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 593, 753, 756
Jizya (poll tax), 399
Joan of Arc, 325
Job Corps, 704
John (England), 298
Johnson, Lyndon B., 703, 704; Vietnam and, 660, 662, 705
Joint family system: in Southeast Asia, 220, 229,
Joint-stock company, 345, 373
Jomon people (Japan), 264
Jordan, 5, 599, 737, 738, 739, 739 (map), 744
Joseph II (Austria), 448
Journal of Captain James Cook, 356
Joyce, James, 585, 586
Judaea, 120–121
Judah, kingdom of, 21, 22, 120
Judaism. See Hebrews; Jews and Judaism
Julio-Claudians (Rome), 113
militant, 737; modernist, 747; in modern world,
597; Mongol conversion to, 169; Ottoman Empire
and, 386–394; religious art in, 315; rise of, 157– 162;
rulers in, 353; Safavids and, 396; Seljuk Turks and,
167; society of, 172–174; spice trade and, 335–336,
339–340; trade and
, 170, 172, 173, 173, 176; in
Turkey, 596; veiling in, 174, 175, 748; in West Africa,
336; women in, 747–748. See also
slamic empire.
See Arabs and Arab world; Islam
Islamic law, 161, 391, 399, 596, 729, 741
Islamic Welfare Party (Turkey), 747
“Island hopping” (World War II), 626
Ismail (Safavids), 394
Isolationism: in U.S., 580
Israel, 21, 22, 737–738, 739 (map); Arab disputes with,
738–740; democracy in, 744; PLO and, 738; terrorist
attacks on, 713, 738; Turkey and, 747
Israelites, 21, 21 (map)
Istanbul, 387, 388, 393. See also Constantinople
Isthmus of Panama, 146
Italy, 106, 485; Africa and, 527; Austria and, 479;
Byzantine Empire and, 320; cities in, 297; a er
Congress of Vienna, 477–478; Crusades and, 307;
Fascist, 617–618, 621; France and, 328, 337; Greek
colonization of, 107; Holy Roman Empire and, 299;
immigration from, 496; industrialization in, 471;
Lombards in, 312; military in, 566; nationalism
in, 504; Ostrogoths in, 287; plague in, 322; in
Renaissance, 326–328; trade in, 294; uni cation of,
479–480, 480 (map); in World War II, 627. See also
World War I; World War II; speci c wars
Ito Hirobumi, 555
Iturbide, Augustín de, 491
Ivan III (Russia), 329
Ivan IV (Russia), 378
Ivanhoe (Scott), 504
Ivory Coast, 731
Ivory trade, 185
Izanagi and Izanami (gods), 264
Jackson, Andrew, 497
Jade: trade in, 60
Jahan (Mughals), 399–401, 402, 405, 405
Jahangir (Mughals), 399, 406
Jainism, 217, 222
Jakarta, 351, 765
Jamaica Letter, e (Bolívar), 493
James I (England), 378
James II (England), 379
Janissaries, 386
Japan, 263–277, 263 (map), 333, 768 (map); arts of,
273–274, 275–276, 430, 560–561; atomic bombings
of, 629; Buddhism in, 213, 267, 273; capitalism in,
425–426; China and, 238, 263, 264–265, 276–277,
545, 553, 557–558, 602, 604–605, 622, 622, 624;
Christianity in, 423–424; civilians in World War II,
635; civil service examination in, 276–277; colonies
of, 609, 767; culture in, 273–276, 428–430, 560–561,
770–771; democracy in, 606–608; economy in, 270,
425–426, 555–556, 608–609, 620, 767, 768–769;
education in, 428; expansion by, 557–558, 558
(map), 622–624; family in, 271, 428; farmers in, 426;
feudalism in, 269; as German ally, 621; government
in, 266–267, 767–768; Great Depression in, 620;
Great Peace in, 424–425; Heian period in, 267–268;
imperialism by, 557–560; industrialization in, 470,
472, 473; industry in, 426, 556, 608, 609; interwar
period in, 605–609; isolation of, 276, 553–554;
Jesuit conversions in, 369; Kamakura shogunate in,
Intellectual thought, 7; in Andalusia, 170; in Byzantine
Empire, 315; in China, 60–65, 255–256; 1870–1914,
507–508; in Enlightenment, 438–442; in Greece,
80, 91–93; in Renaissance, 326–327; Scienti c
Revolution and, 343, 436–438; Silk Road and, 209;
in Soviet Union, 675, 676; a er World War I, 585–
586; a er World War II, 715–719. See also Literature;
Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). See ICBMs
Interdict, 303
Internal combustion engine, 471
International Expeditionary Force, in China, 546 (map)
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 764–765
Internationals: Communist International (Comintern),
600; Second, 474
International Women’s Day, 576
Internet, 686, 717
Interpretation of Dreams, e (Freud), 508
Interpreters, e (Soyinka), 735
Intervention principle, 475
Intifada (uprising), 740
Invasions. See speci c countries
Inventions: by Archimedes, 99–100; electric, 471; in
Industrial Revolution, 465–467. See also speci c inventions
Investiture Controversy, 303
Investment: in Argentina, 708; in China, 686; in India,
758; in Japan, 769; in Latin America, 496, 609, 707;
in post-World War I Europe, 581
onia and Ionians, 87
Ionic order, 91
Iqbal, Mohammed, 597
Iran: hostage crisis in, 705, 741; Iraq and, 742; Islam in,
747; literature in, 748; modernization in, 596–597;
Pahlavi dynasty in, 596 (map); Safavids in, 394–397;
Seljuk Turks in, 166; terrorists and, 713; U.S.-Soviet
con ict over, 646; West and, 516; women in, 596,
741, 748, 748; a er World War II, 737. See also
Iranian Revolution; Persia
Iranian plateau, 22
Iranian Revolution, 740–741, 747, 748
Iraq, 526, 737, 743, 743 (map); Abbasids in, 164; British
mandate in, 580; nation building in, 598; Saddam
Hussein in, 742–743. See also Mesopotamia
Iraq-Iran War, 742
Iraq War (2003–), 705, 743
Ireland, 290, 703
Irigoyen, Hipólito, 610
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 713
Iron and iron industry, 7, 470; in Africa, 187; in
Americas, 155; in Asia, 58; Assyrians and, 22; in
Britain, 465–466; in China, 73, 127, 255; in India, 34
Iron Curtain, 638, 645–646
Iroquois Indians, 153
Irrawaddy River region, 225, 226
Irrigation: in Africa, 187; Anasazi, 153; by Chimor
people, 147–148; in China, 7, 242; in Egypt, 12–13;
in India, 34; Moche, 147; in South America, 8
Isabella of Castile, 328, 341
Isfahan, 395, 397, 397
Isis (god), 14
Islam: in Africa, 191–198, 191 (map), 201, 336; arts of,
316; Axum and, 192; Byzantine Empire and, 314,
320; in China, 685; cities of, 296; civilization of,
171–180; conversion to, 162, 169, 170; culture of,
170, 174–180; democracy and, 746; in East Africa,
193; expansion of, 163 (map); fundamentalist, 746–
747; in Gao, 194; Ghana and, 196; in India, 214–218,
216 (map), 217, 219–221; in Iran, 596–597, 742;
in Iraq, 742; literature in, 176–178; in Malacca,
335–336; in Middle East, 737–743, 746–747;