Index 819
in, 242, 413; people of, 54; Period of the Warring
States in, 79; Philippines and, 521; philosophy
in, 60–65; plague in, 321; politics in, 56, 59, 67,
239–240, 414–415; Polo in, 235–236; popular culture
in, 256–257; population in, 69, 124, 128, 239, 242,
418–419, 541, 687; Portugal and, 340, 411; printing
in, 245, 255, 256, 363, 412; protests in, 602; religions
in, 60–61, 64–65, 127, 254–256, 690; reuni cation of,
237–247; revolution in, 452, 549–550, 601–605; rice
in, 5, 60, 70; Roman Empire and, 209; rural areas in,
124, 245; Russia (Soviet Union) and, 416, 545, 655;
sciences in, 438; silk from, 315–317; Sino-Japanese
War and, 545, 558–559, 560; Sino-Soviet dispute
and, 660; socialism in, 661, 681; society in, 56–57,
59–60, 67–68, 127, 244–247, 256, 550–553, 604, 605,
686–690; Southeast Asia and, 225; Sun Yat-sen in,
548–549; Taiwan and, 663, 773; technology in, 57,
242, 255, 418–419; terraced farming in, 174; Tibet
and, 239, 416, 545, 654, 684, 685; trade in, 60, 115,
124–125, 125 (map), 126–127, 242–244, 411–412,
413 (map), 415, 416–418, 540–541; urban areas in,
242, 245; veneration of ancestors in, 56; Vietnam
and, 126, 279–282, 655, 660–662, 684; Warring States
period in, 65 (map); West and, 411, 415–418, 516;
women in, 72, 246–247, 420, 551–553, 553, 605,
689–690; World War I and, 573; World War II and,
627, 627 (map), 629, 651; writing in, 33, 55, 56, 57,
67, 74–75; Xiongnu people in, 68–69; Yellow River
region in, 7, 54, 58. See also Japan; Korea; Mao
Zedong; Taiwan; Vietnam; World War I; World
War II; speci c rulers, dynasties, and empires
Chinampas, 137, 138
China Sea, 55
China at Can Say No, e, 685
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 601, 602, 652,
684, 686
Chinese language: in Japan, 274
Chinggis Khan. See Genghis Khan
Chinoiserie (Chinese art), 422
Chirac, Jacques, 698–699
Chocolate, 138
Chola kingdom (India), 209, 211, 227
Chonmin (Korean slave class), 279, 431
Chrétien, Jean (Canada), 706
Christ: Jesus as, 121
Christian Democratic Unino (CDU, Germany), 699
Christian humanism, 363
Christianity: in Africa, 525, 528, 529, 729; in Andalusia,
170; in Axum, 192, 203; in Byzantine Empire,
314–315; in China, 411–412, 414, 544, 690; of Clovis,
287; conversion to, 287–288, 350; Coptic, 186–187;
Crusades and, 167–168; Diderot on, 440; evangelical,
730; in India, 757; in Japan, 423–424, 770; in Korea,
431; in Latin America, 445; in medieval Europe,
287–291, 300, 302–303; in Middle Ages, 287–291;
and Muslims in Africa, 727, 729, 731; origins of,
121; in Roman world, 121–122, 123; scholasticism
and, 304–305; in Slavic Europe, 300, 301; spread of,
121–122, 289; in Vietnam, 431; Vikings and, 290;
western vs. eastern church, 317. See also Conversion;
Reformation; speci c groups
Chronicle of the First Crusade (Fulcher of
Chartres), 168
Chronicles of Japan, e, 266, 267
Chronographia (Michael Psellus), 319
Chulalongkorn ( ailand), 521
Chungshan Gate (Nanjing), 622
Church(es): Christian, 122; in Latin America, 445;
power of state and, 303; of San Vitale (Ravenna), 313.
See also speci c religions
Chau Ju-kua (Chinese o cial), 227
Chávez, Hugo, 707
Chavín society, 146–147
Chechnya, war in, 702
Checkpoint Charlie, 649
Cheka, 577
Chelebi, Katib, 392
Chemical fertilizers, 717
Chemical warfare, 387, 571
Chenla (state), 226
Chennai. See Madras (Chennai)
Chen Shui-bian (Taiwan), 773
Chernenko, Konstantin, 676, 678
Chernobyl nuclear accident, 714
ng Kai-shek, 594,
601, 602, 603–605, 651, 652, 653,
660, 773; Japan and, 622, 623; Taiwan a er, 773
Chichén Itzá, 142
Chicken pox, 419
Chie ains: in Southeast Asia, 228
Child labor, 467, 469
Children: abandonment, 501; Aztec, 143; in China,
70–71, 420, 551; in Code of Hammurabi, 11; in
India, 39; in Ottoman Empire, 390
Chile, 149, 492, 493, 496, 609, 706, 707
Chimor kingdom, 147–148, 149
China, 53–54, 122–128, 126 (map); agriculture in,
59, 60, 70, 70–71, 124, 128, 242, 293, 550–551,
686–687; arts in, 73, 127, 128, 257–258, 420–422,
691–693; Britain and, 412, 416–417, 541–544;
bronzes in, 72–73, 73; Buddhism in, 127, 133,
236; bureaucracy in, 56, 62, 67, 69; capitalism in,
679; Christian missionaries in, 411–412; cities
in, 71–72, 296; civilization in, 7, 7 (map), 54–57;
civil service examination in, 240–241; civil war in,
651–653, 652 (map); colonialism in, 520; commerce
in, 133; communism in, 651–654, 672, 680–693;
Confucianism in, 61–62, 122–124, 239–240, 250,
254, 410–411, 545, 551, 604, 605, 684; culture
in, 72–75, 127, 238–239, 256–258, 264, 420–422,
605, 691–693; Daoism and, 240; democracy in,
683; dynastic histories in, 256; East Asia and,
775; economy in, 59–60, 67–68, 124–126, 237,
242–244, 412–413, 604, 605, 652, 683, 684, 686–689;
environment in, 688, 688–689; European trade
with, 294; expansion by, 411; family in, 70–71, 72,
245–246, 419–420, 605 687, 687, 689–690, 691, 691;
foot binding and, 246–247, 551, 553, 607; foreign
policy in, 68; foreign possessions and spheres of
in uence in, 541–546, 546 (map); government of, 56,
59, 67, 240–241, 250–252; Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution in, 549, 681–682, 682; Great Wall in,
69; Hong Kong and, 774–775; “hundred schools”
of philosophy in, 60–65; imperialism in, 541, 545,
551; industrialization and, 418–419, 550–551, 686;
Internet in, 686; inward turning of, 253–254; iron in,
72–73, 73; Japan and, 238, 263, 264–265, 276–277,
545, 553, 557–558, 602, 604–605, 622, 622, 624;
Jesuit conversions in, 369; Korea and, 430; Korean
War and, 654–655; land in, 54–55; language in,
74–75; lifestyle in, 70, 70–72, 127, 245–247, 419–420,
551–553, 686, 687–690; local government in, 241–
242; Macartney mission to, 540, 540–541; medieval,
252–254; metalwork in, 58; Mongols in, 55, 236, 239,
247–252, 248 (map); music in, 75; Nanjing Republic
in, 603–605; nationalism in, 684; Nationalists in,
594, 601, 602–603; neo-Confucianism in, 255–256;
New Culture Movement in, 601; Nixon and, 663; old
order in, 546–548; Olympic Games in, 685; Open
Door Notes in, 530, 546; Open Door policy in, 546,
560, 609; Opium War in, 542–544, 543; peasants
Çatal Hüyük, 5
Cathedrals: Gothic, 305–306, 306
Catherine of Aragon, 367
Catherine the Great (Russia), 448
Catholicism. See Roman Catholicism
Catholic Reformation, 367–369
Caucasus region, 702
Caudillos (leaders), 495
Cavalry: of Alexander the Great, 96; in India, 398
Cave art: in Dunhuang (China), 257–258; Paleolithic, 4.
See also Rock art
Cavour, Camillo di, 480
Cebu, Philippines, 344
Celadon pottery, 73
Celibate clergy, 367
Celsus (philosopher), 123
Central Africa, 187, 198; Bantu-speaking peoples of,
133; con ict in, 729–730; farming in, 5; imperialism
in, 529; Soviets and, 658
Central America, 134, 135–146, 341, 342, 666 (map),
707; banana republics in, 609; civilizations of,
135–146; exports from, 609; independence in, 493;
peoples and cultures of, 146 (map); Reagan and, 666.
See also Americas; South America; speci
c countries
entral Asia, 133; China and, 55, 126, 127, 252, 411,
545; civilizations of, 7, 7 (map); European trade
with, 294; Islamic states in, 685; Mongol Empire in,
247–252; Soviet republics in, 665
Central Europe, 328–329; absolutism in, 377–378; old
order in, 484; Protestantism in, 367; Slavic peoples
of, 299–301
Centralization: political, in World War I, 573
Central Kingdom: China as, 541
Central Powers (World War I), 572, 573, 580
Centuriate assembly (Rome), 108
Ceramics: in China, 73, 258. See also Porcelain; Pottery
Ceremonies: Mayan, 139; Olmec, 136
Ceylon. See Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Chacabuco, Battle of, 492, 493
Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, 153
Chad, 729
Chador, 748–749
Chaebol (Korea), 772
Chaeronea, Battle of, 95
Chaghadai khanate, 249
Chaldeans, 22, 23, 24
Chamberlain, Neville, 621
Champa, 226 (map), 279–280, 281, 431
Chan Buddhism, 254, 273. See also Zen Buddhism (Japan)
Chandragupta (India), 211
Chandragupta II (India), 224
Chandragupta Maurya (India), 35–36, 46, 211
Chang’an, China, 127, 237, 239, 239, 244, 296
Changes: A Love Story (Aidoo), 735–736
Chao Phraya River region, 225, 226
Chapels: France, 49; rock (India), 49
Chariots, 56, 311, 313, 387
Charismatic rule: in Middle East, 744
Charlemagne, 286, 288–289, 289 (map), 290
Charles I (England), 379
Charles I (Spain), as Charles V (Holy Roman
Empire), 364
Charles II (England), 379
Charles V (Holy Roman Empire), 361, 364, 370
Charles VII (France), 325
Charles Martel, Arabs and, 163
Charter 77 (Czechoslovakia), 680
Charter Oath (Meiji, Japan), 555
Charter of the Organization of African Unity, 726
Chartres, 306