Abrasive Erosion and Corrosion of Hydraulic Machinery
in a Venturi tube. With powder content of 0.5 g/1 the pressure in the tube was
higher at cavitation incipience than in case of pure water. The same
effect produced by solid particles is described in
when the cavitation
developed was studied in the region behind a cylindrical model placed in a
water tunnel.
To investigate this interesting problem a flat-shaped Venturi nozzle was
used [6.3] which enabled the researchers to consider the basic factors
influencing the intensity of hydroabrasive, cavitation and cavitation-abrasive
erosion patterns: flow velocity, pressure values at the input and output,
expansion angle of the diffusion region, different phases in development of the
cavitation, abrasive particle sizes and their concentration, nature of the
damage on surface being worn, temperature of the mixture etc.
Model 8 was installed in the modified section of the pressure piping
constituting a part of the stand shown in Figure 6.1. The throat cross-
sectional area in the Venturi tube having dimensions 30 x 30 mm is formed by
two brass guides, the first one is placed parallel to the axis of the flow
direction and the second one is positioned at angles of 9 = 5°, 10°, 15° and
The transparent side walls allow observation of the moment of cavitation
incipience, to follow its development and to measure precisely the length of
the cavitation area. By use of a pump model 4K-8 it was possible to set the
in the throat of the Venturi tube, ranging up to 32 m/s, which is
entirely in agreement with the liquid flow behaviour taking place within the
flow-passages of modern pumps.
The experiments have shown that cavitation emergence occurs somewhat
earlier, when using water with solid particles, and in doing so the advance of
this cavitation origin in hydro-mixtures, as compared with pure water,
increases with a rise of the sediment concentration
With the solid
particle content being p
this advance within the throat of the nozzle
is equal to about 15% of the flow velocity (or flow rate). When the sediment
concentration is smaller than the indicated level, the effect of the solid
particles on incipient cavitation is less evident. As an example, Figure 6.2 (a)
illustrates the change in the cavitation area according to flow rate in the
Venturi nozzle
(here Q
is flow rate at the moment of cavitation origin
in pure water), at the angle of 0 = 5° input pressure being
= 42 m and
sediment concentration p- 16
This suggests that in case of hydromixture,
a smaller flow rate
is required for development of, the same 5m long
steady cavitation zone than in the event of pure water. In other words, the