Abrasive Erosion and Corrosion of Hydraulic Machinery
nozzle. The particles injected into the plasma jet undergo rapid melting and at
the same time are accelerated toward the substrate surface. Upon
impingement rapid quenching of molten particles occurs to form a fine-
grained layer which may retain a substantial amount of porosity.
(2) Erosion resistance:
The thermal sprayed ceramic layer has a larger thickness (more than 100 urn )
than that of CVD of PVD (less than 10 u.m), but it may be more likely flaked
off from the substrate surface when it is attacked by the repeated impingement
of solid particles. On the other hand, CVD coatings have the disadvantage
through the high temperature at which the substrate has to be heated during
the application of coatings. The heating may exert unfavorable influences on
the substrate material. In a PVD process, the substrate is not heated as in the
CVD process and the thickness of the coating is thin enough to keep the
precise measurements of the substrate as well as to stick itself to the surface.
Thus as a promising method, PVD coatings are being applied to many parts
of hydraulic machines which are usually damaged by the erosion of particle
impingement. However, their performance not only in field, bur even in testing
has scarcely been reported yet. Therefore a report on PVD coatings, not in the
particles impingement test but in cavitation erosion test, is given below for a
rough assessment of the coatings performance.
The cavitation-erosion tests on stainless steel (SUS 410JI) coated with an
ion plating process (IP) were conducted using an ultrasonic cavitation-erosion
testing facility based on the ASTM standard method (G.32). The resistance of
materials to cavitation was evaluated by a weight loss vs. testing damage
diagram. It was found that the erosion resistance of TIN-coated steel is
superior to steel coated with the same film thickness of electroplated Cr, and
of course to uncoated base metal. It is also to be noted in Figure 5.23 that Cr-
Tin multilayered coating shows the most effective erosion resistance among
the tested IP coating specimens. The reasons for this improvement in the
erosion resistance of TiN-coated materials are as follows. First, the TiN layer
did not peel off from the substrate surface, owing to its adhesion strength.
Secondly, the erosion resistance of
layer itself was greater than that of the
substrate material. In addition, it was confirmed that this erosion resistance is
maintained even after the erosion damage has reached the substrate material
in some parts, since the residual stress generated by the layer deposition
improved durability of the substrate metal.