542 Part C Molecules
excitation/de-excitation, or coupling, in the exit chan-
nel. If there is very little excitation/de-excitation in
the exit channel, the rotational and vibrational product
distributions are best described using Franck–Condon
mapping. Another model which gives good results for
the rotational distributions is the impact parameter, or
impulsive, model. If excitation/de-excitation in the exit
channel is not negligible, the product distributions are
best described using the reflection principle.Thisre-
lates the distribution of the initial wavepacket in γ to
the final rotational distributions through the classical
excitation function. Similarly, the distribution of the
initial wavepacket in space is related to the final vibra-
tional distributions through another classical excitation
Even for a purely repulsive PES, the potential may
be very flat in the Franck–Condon region so that the
molecule may be able to undergo one internal vibra-
tion before it dissociates. In this case, there is a diffuse
structure in σ(ω), associated with recurrences in the
autocorrelation function. The spacing of the structures
in σ(ω) are related to the period of the internal vibra-
tions by ∆ E = 2π
/T . Diffuse structures in σ(ω) have
also been linked to unstable periodic orbits.
34.4.2 Vibrational Predissociation
Vibrational predissociation is dissociation delayed due
to the trapping of the energy of the molecule in modes
orthogonal to the dissociation coordinate. It can be ex-
plained very clearly in the time-independent picture as
resonances (sometimes known as Feshbach resonances),
which are simply extensions of the bound states into
the continuum. σ(ω) in this case consists of a series of
Lorentzian lines, whose width is inversely proportional
to the lifetime of the resonance. In the case where the
internal modes of the molecule are not strongly coupled
to each other or to the dissociation mode, these reso-
nance states can often be assigned, with the number of
quanta in each mode being specified. In this case, the
lines in σ(ω) form a series of progressions. The widths
of these lines, and thus the lifetimes of the resonance
states, often show trends relating the lifetimes to the as-
signment. This is called mode-specificity. In the case
that the system is strongly mixed, it is not possible to
make an assignment of the resonances, and the life-
times show strong fluctuations. This is called statistical
state-specificity [34.19].
The resonances can also be seen in the time-
dependent picture, where the autocorrelation function
shows many recurrences with periods T , depending
on the fundamental frequencies of the internal modes
ω = 2π/T (Chapt. 35).
The partial cross sections for vibrational predissoci-
ation also consist of Lorentzian lines, with positions and
widths exactly as for the total cross sections, but with
differing intensities. The partial widths, which describe
the rate of dissociation into each product channel, are
given by
= Γ
σ(ω, α)
In the weak coupling case, simple pictures can be
used to describe the product distributions. The rotational
product distributions can be explained using again the
reflection principle; but in this case, instead of consider-
ing the distribution of the initial wave function in γ ,the
distribution of the wave function at the transition state
is used. The vibrational product distributions can often
be well described by examining vibrationally adiabatic
In the case that the modes are strongly coupled, the
simple models break down. It is then sometimes pos-
sible to use statistical models to describe both the rates
and the product distributions. One example of these
unimolecular-statistical theories is the Ramsperger–
Rice–Karplus–Marcus (RRKM) theory, which is widely
used for the description of unimolecular dissocia-
tions [34.20]. Another example is phase space theory
(PST) [34.21, 22] which is often used to calculate the
product distributions for reactions which have no bar-
rier. The quantum mechanical results fluctuate about
these average values. These fluctuations, which can be
considered as being independent of the system, can be
described well by the predications of random matrix
theory [34.23].
34.4.3 Electronic Predissociation
Nonadiabatic transitions between two or more electronic
states are a common phenomenon in photodissocia-
tion [34.24] as well as in other chemical reactions
(Chapt. 49). Such transitions can result in the produc-
tion of both electronically excited and ground state
Adiabatic molecular PESs can vary in complex fash-
ions. Many of these contortions arise from avoided
and real crossings of the surfaces, and in all such
cases, the physical and chemical understanding is
greatly facilitated by expressing the adiabats in terms
of the diabatic states (Chapt. 31).Theelectronicdi-
abatic states are chosen to simplify the structure of
Part C 34.4