418 Part B Atoms
out high accuracy calculations of the strong interactions
could in principle interfere with the interpretation of the
muon g −2asaQED test, the bulk of this contribution
can be related to the experimentally available cross-
section for e
annihilation into hadrons [27.16]. It
is also possible to use τ decay to determine the con-
tribution [27.17]. At present the two methods are not in
agreement, and this situation will have to be resolved be-
fore a possible discrepancy between theory and the most
recent experiment [27.18] can be interpreted as indicat-
ing new physics. Specifically, if the τ data is used a 1.4
standard deviation difference exists, but if the e
data is used the discrepancy increases to 2.7 standard
The calculation of C
involves 72 Feynman graphs,
although they can be grouped together into a smaller
number of gauge invariant sets. As discussed in more
detail in Chapt. 28, C
is now known analytically, re-
moving an important source of numerical uncertainty.
The evaluation of such high-order graphs requires an in-
tricate set of subtractions to lead to finite answers, and
provides a practical demonstration of the renormaliz-
ability of QED. The result for C
= 1.181 241 456 ... (27.38)
Finally, the very large scale calculation of C
almost completely numerical, has been carried out by
Kinoshita and Lindquist [27.19]. When their result,
=−1.509 8(384), (27.39)
is compared with experiment, agreement is found, but
the largest source of error is the uncertainty in the
fine structure constant as determined from solid state
physics. However, if one instead assumes the validity of
QED, the situation can be turned around to determine
a QED value of the fine structure constant. This is done
by combining the experimental result [27.11]
= 1 159 652 188.4(4 .3) ×10
= 1 159 652 187.9(4 .3) ×10
with the previous formulas for the C coefficients (in-
cluding the small vacuum polarization corrections for
discussed above). The result is
= 137.035 992 22(51)(48) (27.41)
where the errors come from experiment and C
tively. It would be of great interest to have another QED
determination of the fine structure constant of com-
parable accuracy: a very promising approach involves
precision measurements of recoil in cesium [27.20, 21],
which has achieved 7 ppb and has the potential of reach-
ing 1 ppb. Another way to determine α involves the fine
structure of helium, as will be discussed below.
27.5 Recoil Corrections
Because of the smallness of the ratio of the electron
mass to most nuclear masses, a reasonable approxi-
mation to atoms is to treat the nucleus as a source of
a classical Coulomb and magnetic dipole field, which
corresponds to the use of Furry representation [27.22].
In addition, the leading correction to this approximation
can be accounted for by using the reduced mass in place
of the electron mass. However, to calculate higher order
terms consistently, one must treat a one-electron atom as
a two-body system and an N-electron atom as a N +1-
body system. Shortly after the development of modern
QED, a number of workers [27.23–25] developed two-
body equations by considering the Green’s function for
electron–nucleus scattering, with the original equation
known as the Bethe–Salpeter equation. Considered as
a function of the total energy in the c.m. frame, this
Green’s function has poles at bound state energies. In
practice an approximate Green’s function is considered
that has poles at either the Schrödinger or the Dirac en-
ergies, with reduced mass built in to some degree. Then
a perturbation theory is set up that allows corrections
of higher order in α and m
to be calculated in
a systematic way.
While the treatment of recoil using various versions
of the Bethe–Salpeter equation gives correct answers,
its implementation is quite complicated. In recent years
enormous progress has been made using the very differ-
ent approach of effective field theory. One of the earliest
uses of effective field theory was in QED [27.26], and
we will refer to it as NRQED (nonrelativistic QED).
Effective field theories have been used in many differ-
ent areas of physics, and are useful whenever physics
at one scale can be treated separately from physics at
a widely different scale. Atomic physics is an ideal place
for the use of effective field theory, as, for example, the
scale of the Bohr radius, the basic atomic physics length
scale, is separated from the electron Compton wave-
length, which is characteristic of most QED effects, by
two orders of magnitude. NRQED applies to both recoil
and non-recoil QED corrections, and always has as its
Part B 27.5