Many-Body Th
23. Many-Body Theory of Atomic Structure
and Processes
All atoms except hydrogen are many-body
systems, in which the interelectron interaction
plays an important or even decisive role. The aim
of this chapter is to describe a consistent method
for calculating the structure of atoms and the
characteristics of different atomic processes, by
applying perturbation theory to take into account
the interelectron interaction. This method involves
drawing a characteristic diagram based on the
structure or process. This is then used to create an
analytical expression to the lowest order in the
interelectron interaction. Higher-order corrections
are subsequently generated.
This technique was invented about half
a century ago in quantum electrodynamics by
Feynman [23.1], then modified and adjusted for
multiparticle systems by a number of authors.
Its application to atomic structure and atomic
processes required further modifications, which
were initiated at the end of the fifties (see,
e.g., [23.2]) and later. The corresponding technique
was successfully applied to the calculation of
a wide variety of characteristics and processes
in many papers and several review articles
[23.3, 4]. The increasing amount of experimental
data available has led to improved accuracy
for this technique, so that it can be applied to
current problems considering not only atoms
and ions, both positive and negative [23.5–8],
but also molecules [23.9], clusters [23.10]and
23.1 Diagrammatic Technique...................... 360
23.1.1 Basic Elements.......................... 360
23.1.2 Construction Principles
for Diagrams............................. 360
23.1.3 Correspondence Rules................ 362
23.1.4 Higher-Order Corrections
and Summation of Sequences..... 363
23.2 Calculation of Atomic Properties ........... 365
23.2.1 Electron Correlations
in Ground State Properties ......... 365
23.2.2 Characteristics
of One-Particle States ................ 366
23.2.3 Electron Scattering .................... 367
23.2.4 Two-Electron and Two-Vacancy
States ...................................... 369
23.2.5 Electron–Vacancy States............. 370
23.2.6 Photoionization
in RPAE and Beyond .................. 371
23.2.7 Photon Emission
and Bremsstrahlung .................. 374
23.3 Concluding Remarks ............................ 375
References .................................................. 376
The elements of the diagrammatic technique,
which form a convenient and simple “language”,
are given together with the rules for creating
“sentences” using basic “words”. A kind of
“dictionary” helps to translate diagrammatic
“sentences” into analytical expressions suitable
for calculations.
An essential part of the program is to learn how the sim-
plest approximation can be improved, and what are the
mechanisms and processes connected with, and respon-
sible for, higher-order corrections.
When the diagrammatic technique of many-body
theory is used, it is unnecessary to be restricted to a finite
number of lowest-order terms in the interelectron inter-
action. On the contrary, some infinite sequences may
be taken into account. The sum of all many-body di-
agrams is completely equivalent to the many-particle
Schrödinger equation. Therefore, taking all of them into
account is just as complicated as solving the corre-
sponding equation. Compared with other approaches,
the diagrammatic technique can easily uncover hidden
approximations and transparently demonstrate possible
sources of corrections.
Part B 23