It is worthwhile investigating the reason for this. Figure 1.2 is the same as Figure 1.1, but the
scatter of observations has been quartered by vertical and horizontal lines drawn through the points
, respectively. The intersection of these lines is therefore the point ( S ,
), the point giving
mean schooling and mean hourly earnings for the sample. To use a physical analogy, this is the center
of gravity of the points representing the observations.
Any point lying in quadrant A is for an individual with above-average schooling and above-
average earnings. For such an observation, both (S –
S ) and (Y –
) are positive, and (S – S )(Y –
) must therefore be positive, so the observation makes a positive contribution to the covariance
expression. Example: Individual 10, who majored in biology in college and then went to medical
school, has 20 years of schooling and her earnings are the equivalent of $42.06 per hour. (S –
S ) is
6.75, (Y –
) is 27.84, and the product is 187.89.
Next consider quadrant B. Here the individuals have above-average schooling but below-average
earnings. (S –
S ) is positive, but (Y –
) is negative, so (S – S )(Y –
) is negative and the
contribution to the covariance is negative. Example: Individual 20 completed two years of four-year
college majoring in media studies, but then dropped out, and earns only $8.00 per hour working in the
office of an automobile repair shop.
In quadrant C, both schooling and earnings are below average, so (S –
S ) and (Y –
) are both
negative, and (S –
S )(Y –
) is positive. Example: Individual 4, who was born in Mexico and had
only six years of schooling, is a manual worker in a market garden and has very low earnings.
Finally, individuals in quadrant D have above average earnings despite having below-average
schooling, so (S –
S ) is negative, (Y –
) is positive, and (S – S )(Y –
) makes a negative
contribution to the covariance. Example: Individual 3 has slightly above-average earnings as a
construction laborer, despite only completing elementary school.
Since the sample covariance is the average value of (S –
S )(Y –
) for the 20 observations, it
will be positive if positive contributions from quadrants A and C dominate and negative if the negative
ones from quadrants B and D dominate. In other words, the sample covariance will be positive if, as
in this example, the scatter is upward-sloping, and negative if the scatter is downward-sloping.
1.2 Some Basic Covariance Rules
There are some rules that follow in a perfectly straightforward way from the definition of covariance,
and since they are going to be used many times in future chapters it is worthwhile establishing them
Covariance Rule 1 If Y = V + W, Cov(X, Y) = Cov(X, V) + Cov(X, W)
Covariance Rule 2 If Y = bZ, where b is a constant and Z is a variable,
Cov(X, Y) = bCov(X, Z)
Covariance Rule 3 If Y = b, where b is a constant, Cov(X, Y) = 0