poverty alleviation, 28
power, 4, 7, 10, 13, 15, 19, 23–4, 26–8, 30,
33, 35, 37, 39, 42–3, 47, 52, 54–6, 64,
69–72, 77–8, 80–1, 83–5, 88, 91–3, 95,
98–9, 113, 118, 147, 151, 158–9, 163
power of, 19, 80–1
power over, 15, 43, 72, 77, 80–1, 84, 88,
91–3, 99, 113, 147, 151, 163
power relations, 4, 15, 23, 26, 33, 39, 69,
80–1, 85, 95, 158–9
power to, 64, 80–1, 151, 163
powerholders, 75
practice wisdoms, 69
practitioners, 2, 8, 10–14, 19, 25, 35–40,
43–9, 51, 57, 65–73, 76–9, 82–8, 94,
95–9, 101, 111–15, 121–3, 134–6, 139,
150, 155–60, 164
pre-sentence reports, 149
prison works, 146, 155
prisoners, 147, 149, 158, 160
prisons, 47, 71, 95, 147, 154
private patriarchy, 18, 24, 29, 41–4, 54–5,
66, 76, 80, 91, 118–19, 142
private realm, 15, 54, 64
privatisation, 11, 41–3, 46–7, 53, 56, 147
privileged gender, 85
privileged status, 74, 77, 80
privileging, 5, 29, 31, 35, 39, 56, 79, 85, 97,
probation, 10, 15, 25, 72, 95–6, 100, 102,
144–50, 153–60
probation officers, 72, 95, 100, 144–50,
154, 156
probation practice, 15, 144–5, 149, 159–60
probation service, 102, 144, 146, 160
probation training, 10, 144
Pro-Family Left, 108
pro-feminist men, 55, 87, 89, 108, 150
professional assistance, 73
professional boundaries, 136
professional hierarchy, 45
professional identity, 65, 136
professional ideology, 77
professional social work, 8, 10, 45–6, 52,
57, 71–3, 83–4
professional space, 136
professionalism, 15, 44, 64–8, 71, 73, 76–7,
profits, 82, 147
promotion, 20, 22, 34, 41, 82, 96, 106
prostitution, 11, 21, 152, 155
psychological needs, 115
public care system, 126
public patriarchy, 41–4, 54, 66, 76, 80, 91,
108, 119, 127, 142
public sector jobs, 11, 86
public–private divide, 22, 29, 36–7, 65, 72
punishment, 145–8, 157, 160
purchaser of services, 47
purchaser–provider split, 136
racial oppression, 31, 91
racialised identities, 31
racism, 11, 16, 26, 30–2, 49, 56, 70, 73, 89,
121, 141, 149–50, 159
radical feminism, 26
reciprocity, 20, 37, 38, 40, 63, 134, 141
Reclaim the Night Marches, 152
refuge, 74, 79
rehabilitating offenders, 145–7, 160
relations of domination, 68, 88
relationships, 3–5, 9, 15–6, 18, 20–2,
27–30, 35–9, 41, 46, 69, 72, 75, 77–80,
84, 87–9, 92–3, 98–9, 102, 104–6,
108–10, 112, 115–24, 132–3, 139–40,
150, 157–8, 161, 164
reproductive control, 105
reproductive rights, 34, 105, 120, 163
reproductive technologies, 120–4, 164
residential homes, 132–4, 140
resistance, 30, 42, 56, 98, 112, 164
resources, 2, 9–13, 19, 24, 26–7, 36, 37,
42–50, 54, 62–3, 67, 69–70, 78–9, 84,
86, 92, 97, 99, 102–3, 105–6, 109–10,
112–17, 119, 121, 123–4, 129, 132–3,
136–7, 142, 148, 154–8, 164
restrictive knowledges, 65
restructuring measures, 10
retrenchment, 11, 54, 108, 120, 134
rights of citizenship, 11, 160
risk assessments, 146
roles, 6, 22, 31, 38, 41–2, 45, 54, 56, 69, 71,
82, 86, 89, 97–8, 104–5, 111–13, 117,
119, 123, 126–7, 143, 152, 154–5, 157,
161, 163
Scottish Vocational Qualifications, 63
self-determination, 57, 65, 68, 71, 96
self-determining beings, 45
self-fulfilment, 15, 26
sentencing process, 145
sex trade in children, 70
sexism, 30–1, 49, 56, 73, 96–9, 131, 159
sexism, institutional, 98
sexual abuse, 27–28, 81, 90, 95–6, 101,
106, 112, 116, 140, 151–2
Subject Index 191
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