3.9 Darboux integration of i ˙ρ =[H, f(ρ)] 93
which nevertheless satisfy physical conditions widely believed to b e equiv-
alent to complete positivity [97]. Finally, the Lie–Poisson density matrix tech-
niques for extending the nonlinear evolutions of subsystems to entangled states
proved to have applications in quantum information theory [15].
Although the literature devoted to the Euler equation is quite extensive
[18, 32, 309, 371], analytical methods were only recently a pplied to its density
matrix analog (Euler–von Neumann equation) [96, 98, 254, 276]. The con-
straints imposed on density matrices (ρ
= ρ, ρ ≥ 0, trρ = 1) and Hamil-
tonians (H
= H, H ≥ 0, unboundedness) require techniques which are
not based on standard integration via quadratures and the similar, since the
systems in question are gen erically infinite-dimensional. The technique used
in [96, 98, 254, 276] is an appropriate modification of the dressing method
[87, 88, 354] or, rather, of its twofold elementary DT version [267, 434].
The Darboux-type method of integration of the Euler–von Neumann
i˙ρ =[H, ρ
] (3.88)
introduced in [276] led to discovery of the so -called self-scattering solutions
[96, 98]. The process of self-scattering continuously interpolates between two
asymptotically linear evolutions. Equation (3.88) p o ssesses a class of solutions
of the form ρ(t)=e
which occur whenever [H, f(ρ)] = [H, ρ].
We regard such solutions as “trivial” solutions of (3.88) constructed by means
of the dressing method.
A problem remained open in all the previous papers was how to obtain so -
lutions of (3.85) with other values of the Tsallis parameter q. In fact, the case
q = 2 was not very interesting from the point of view of no nextensive statis-
tics applications, since the parameters involved in analysis of actual physical
situations were either close to 1 or 0 <q<1. The case q =1/2 turned out
to be of special interest owing to its significance in plasma physics. Next we
present an extension of the Darboux technique to a wide class o f nonlinear
von Neumann equations.
3.9.2 Lax pair and Darboux covariance
We begin with the overdetermined linear system (Lax pair)
ψ| = ψ|(ρ − λH) , (3.89)
ψ| =
ψ|A. (3.90)
Here A, ρ,andH are operators acting on a “bra” vector ψ| associated with
an element of a Hilbert space; the dot denotes the time derivative d/dt,and
complex numbers λ and z
are independent of t. The operators ρ and H will
typically play the roles of density matrices and Hamiltonians, respectively,
but one can also think of them as just some op erators without any particular