as well as low reverse recovery time which are characteristics that usually contradict each
other. The reverse recovery time is the time taken from forward conduction to blocking in
the reverse direction, this time directly causes loss on the circuit. Silicon Schottky
Usually Schottky diodes are used which have very low reverse recovery time, slightly
lower forward voltage drop and being much faster (much lower stray capacitance)
compared to conventional diodes, although they have low maximum reverse voltage and
a relatively high reverse leakage current that also increases with increasing temperature
which makes them a bad choice in high voltage and high temperature applications. Silicon Carbide Schottky
Since some ten years back other interesting materials are being researched. Diodes made
of Silicon Carbide have proven to have excellent characteristics for high voltage, high
frequency and high temperature. The reverse leaking current is up to 40 times less than
for a regular Shottky, directly reducing losses, reverse voltage up to 1200 V and
extremely low reverse charge as a result of junction capacitance, not stored charge. The
setback is high price and a relatively high saturation voltage, introducing increased loss
when conducting. By having high thermal conductivity and nearly no thermal runaway
also makes the Silicon Carbide the best choice in applications with high temperature.
With special packing junction operating temperatures as high as 500 °K (227 °C) is made
possible which opens up for a wide range of applications. The reverse recovery loss is
usually a significant part of the total switching loss in a hard switched
IGBT and by
almost reducing it to zero great reductions in dissipated effect and heat can be made.
2.3.3. Rectifier
The rectifier forms a direct current from an alternating current, in this application from
three phase shifted sources of alternating current. In this case a 6-pulse rectifier model
has been chosen due to its simplicity. However, when handling disturbances on the main
grid a 12-pulse rectifier bridge is to prefer since it heavily reduces harmonics which
otherwise will require large filters. A simulation has been made using Matlab with
Simulink where a 6-pulse rectifier is used and the resulting voltage frequency spectrum
on the grid is measured, see Appendix C1 and C2. Analogous the same measures are
done using a 12-pulse rectifier where it is observed that the noise due to harmonics is
significantly lower, see Appendix C4 and C5. The setback of the 12-pulse bridge is the
needed high power transformer and an additional 6- pulse bridge, together largely
contributing to additional weight. The mean voltage archived on the DC side is calculated
as a combination of all the input voltages as seen in equation [12]:
V ≈540 V (
Switching with no snubber circuits or filters and an inductive load