51st Annual Meeting of the ISSS (2007 г.)
«Integrated Systems Sciences: Systems Thinking, Modeling and Practice»
Systems Applications in Business and Industry, Hierarchy Theory, Duality
Theory, Systems Philosophy and Systems Ethics, Systems Modeling and Simulation,
Information Systems Design and Information Technology, Health Systems, Living
Systems Analysis, Designing Educational Systems, Human Systems Inquiry, Critical
Systems Theory and Practice, Evolutionary Development, Applied Systems and
Development, What is Life/Living, Organisational Transformation and Social Change,
Agent-based Social Simulation, Decision Systems, Strategy Management, Sustainable
Development, Knowledge Management, Learning Organization, Optimization, Systems
Complexity, Chance, Discovery and Meta-synthesis, Cybernetics, Finance and
Economics, Systems and Supply Chain / Logistics.
50th Annual Meeting of the ISSS (2006 г.)
«Complexity, Democracy and Sustainability»
Agent-Based Social Systems Science, Applied Systems, Critical Systems,
Designing Educational Systems, Evolutionary Design, General Theory of Systems,
Global Systems, Hierarchy Theory, Human Systems Inquiry, Information Systems
Design, Living Systems Analysis, Medical & Health Systems, Organizational
Transformation & Social Change, Systems Applications in Business & Industry,
Systems Approaches in Arts-Informed Inquiry, Systems in Latin America, Systems
Philosophy & Ethics, Systems-Specific Technology, Terror, Torture, Secrecy,
Propaganda, Democracy and Peace Development, What is Life / Living.
International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS)
Динамика главных тем сессий ежегодных международных конференций за период
2002-2006 гг., которые проводит New England Complex Systems Institute.
Главные темы: Networks & Structural Themes, Systems biology, Socio-
economic systems, Engineering systems, Evolution and Ecology / Population change,
Nonlinear dynamics and Pattern formation, Physical systems, Quantum and Classical,