2.1 An Overview of the Real Numbers 33
numbers, it becomes crucial that there are enough real numbers to include the limits
of all convergent sequences of real numbers. Implicit in this statement is some
method for determining whether a sequence is supposed to convergewithout having
to name the limit point.
Since the notion of infinite decimal expansions is taught from a very early
stage, we will take this as our definition of the real numbers. A subtle point of
our definition is that an infinite decimal expansion is just an object and does not
imply the need to sum an infinite series. We do not want to use the notion of limit
to define the real numbers. In the next section, we outline how to define infinite
decimals precisely and how to order, add, and multiply them. After that is done,
we can safely define the notion of limit, using the order and arithmetical properties
of real numbers.
Our construction of the real numbers appears to be strongly dependent on the
choice of 10 as the base. For this reason, purists prefer a base independent method
of defining the real numbers, albeit a more abstract one. We are left with the nag-
ging question of whether the number line we construct depends on the number of
digits on our hands. Fortunately, this is not the case but proving it requires consid-
erably more work than we wish to do at present. Our main goal is to get on with
the study of analysis. There is a proof much later in the book, in Example 9.5.6,
that our construction does not depend on the choice of 10 as the base.
As was implied previously, infinite decimals are not the only way to define
the real numbers. To satisfy the curious, we now sketch one of the base indepen-
dent definitions of the real numbers. At end of this chapter, we show some of the
ingredients needed for yet another definition of the real numbers, in Exercise 2.7.J.
In 1858, Dedekind described a formal construction of the real numbers that did
not require the use of any base nor any notion of limit at all. He noticed that for
each real number x, there was an associated set S
= {r ∈ Q : r < x} of rational
numbers. This determines a different set of rational numbers for each real x. Of
course, we defined these sets using the real numbers. But we can turn it around.
Dedekind considered all sets S of rational numbers that have the properties
(1) S is a nonempty subset of Q that is bounded above,
(2) S does not contain its upper bound, and
(3) if s ∈ S and r < s for r ∈ Q, then r ∈ S.
These sets are known as Dedekind cuts. He then associated a point x to each of
these sets. In particular, each rational number r is associated to the set S
previously. We can then go on to define order by inclusion of sets, arithmetic oper-
ations, and limits. This somewhat artificial construction finally freed the definition
of R from reliance on intuitive notions and put analysis on a firm footing at last.
Exercises for Section 2.1
A. Using Dedekind’s notion of the real numbers, show that addition of two Dedekind cuts
can be defined easily by S + T = {s + t : s ∈ S, t ∈ T }. Verify that S + T is a
Dedekind cut.
B. Define −S, ST and 1/S, in terms of Dedekind cuts S and T .