32 The Real Numbers
quantity but were not able to find a construction of it. This was the famous prob-
lem of squaring the circle. Lambert showed that e and π were irrational in 1761.
In the nineteenth century, Hermite showed that e was transcendental (not the root
of any polynomial with integer coefficients). A number of years later, Lindemann
generalized Hermite’s argument to deduce that π is transcendental, and thus in par-
ticular is not constructible. This solved the Greeks’ famous puzzle. In fact, a major
achievement of nineteenth-century algebra explained exactly which numbers can
be constructed. It was Abel who first showed that there were roots of polynomials
of degree five that could not be described by any process of taking kth roots. Galois
developed a beautiful connection between roots of polynomials and group theory
that provided a method to analyze any polynomial. Galois’s work also explains an-
other famous Greek problem, the trisection of an angle. Indeed, a 20
angle cannot
be constructed with a straightedge and compass.
Like the Greeks, we accept the fact that
3 and π are bona fide numbers
that must be included on our real line. The approach most suited to our ana-
lytic viewpoint also goes back to the Greeks—successively better approximation.
Archimedes, who lived in the third century B.C., was the first to obtain a method for
computing π by inscribing 2
-gons inside a circle and computing their perimeters,
which converge (slowly) to the desired answer. Today, more sophisticated formu-
lae for π and supercomputers have allowed mathematicians to compute the decimal
expansion of π to over 2 billion digits. Perhaps even more remarkable is a new for-
mula for π due to Bailey, P. Borwein, and Plouffe that allows them to compute any
digit in the hexadecimal expansion of π without computing the earlier digits.
The answer to the question of what the real numbers are came as a result of
the development of calculus. It turns out to be closely tied up with the notion of a
limit. Later in this chapter, we will see that the crucial properties which distinguish
the real numbers from the rational numbers are formulated using limits. So the
definitions of the real numbers and of limits had to be developed together.
The theory of Newton and Leibniz in the seventeenth century relied on a very
vague notion of the limiting process. It was not until the early nineteenth century
that Cauchy made the notion of a limit precise. A large part of the difficulty was
a failure to recognize what the problem was. The notion of limit is evidently an
extremely subtle one. Fortunately, it is a concept that is much easier to understand
than it is to formulate in the first place. Nevertheless, it is not an obvious one, and
the ability to make use of it requires some hard work.
The notion of limit will be explored carefully in this book. It is the most im-
portant concept in analysis. It goes hand in hand with the more computational
viewpoint of approximation. While one point of view may be abstract and existen-
tial and the other implies a more algorithmic view aimed at calculation, they are
really two sides of the same coin. Implicit in the notion of limit is the estimation
of the error of successive approximations. Only by showing that the error can be
made arbitrarily small can we establish that a limit exists.
Even once the notion of limit was made precise, the development of the real
numbers took quite a long time. It wasn’t until about the 1850s that mathematicians
such as Cauchy and Weierstrass realized that a formal treatment of the real numbers
was necessary. Once one recognizes that it is important to consider limits of real