9.5 Metric Completion 265
Finally, we verify that T preserves addition and multiplication. The fact that
P + P ⊂ P means that addition preserves order: if x
< x
amd y
< y
, then
+ y
< x
+ y
. Thus in both R and S, we have that
x + y = sup{r + s : r, s ∈ Q, r < x, s < y}.
Since T preserves order and therefore sups, it follows that T x + T y = T (x + y).
Similarly, if x, y are positive,
xy = sup{rs : r, s ∈ Q ∩ P, r < x, s < y}.
So (T x)(T y) = T (xy) for x, y ∈ P . The rest follows since
(−x)y = x(−y) = −(xy) and (−x)(−y) = xy
allow the extension of multiplication to the whole field. This establishes that the
map T preserves all of the field operations and the order. ¥
So part (2) establishes, without any reference to any properties based on our
construction of R, that there is only one field that has the properties we want. This
we call the real numbers. We could, for example, define the real numbers using
expansions in base 2 or base 3. We have implicitly assumed up to now that these
constructions yield the same object. We now know this to be the case.
There are other constructions of the real numbers that do not depend on a base.
This has a certain esthetic appeal but does not in itself address the uniqueness ques-
tion. One approach briefly mentioned in Section 2.2 is Dedekind’s construction
based on an abstract definition of the sets {r ∈ Q : r < x} used in the proof here.
Another method alluded to at the beginning of this section is to consider Cauchy
sequences of rational numbers as representing points. We have to decide when two
Cauchy sequences should represent the same point. A little thought shows that
if you take (r
) and (s
) and combine them as (r
, s
, r
, s
, . . . ), then this new
sequence is Cauchy if and only if they have the same limit. Thus we are led to
dealing with equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences. Both of these constructions
yield a complete structure; Dedekind’s is order complete and Cauchy’s is metri-
cally complete. But there remains in both cases the tedious, but basically easy, task
of defining addition and multiplication and verifying all of the ordered field prop-
erties. Indeed, we did not verify all of these details for our decimal construction
Another practical approach is to take any construction of the real numbers and
show that every number has a decimal expansion. This is an alternate route to
the uniqueness theorem. The reader interested in the details of these foundational
issues should consult [3].
Exercises for Section 9.5
A. Show that the metric completion of a normed vector space is a complete normed vector
space. HINT: Use the Extension Theorem to extend the vector space operations.
B. Prove that the map taking each bounded uniformly continuous function on a met-
ric space X to its continuous extension on the completion C is an isometry from
BU C(X) onto BUC(C), where BUC(X) is the normed space of bounded uniformly
continuous functions on X.