10.4 Spontaneous breaking of ergodicity 505
10.4 Spontaneous breaking of ergodicity
We now discuss the statistical mechanics of the supercooled liquid in keeping with the
scenario of an ideal glass transition that is characterized by the vanishing of the configu-
rational entropy S
at a point T =T
(say). This formulation, as we will see, also gives
rise in a natural way to a first-principles approach to formulating the thermodynamics of
the amorphous solid state or the glass. In a standard thermodynamic description, above the
freezing point T
, the disordered liquid state with a (time-averaged) constant density has
the minimum free energy. The liquid cooled below its freezing point continues to remain
in the disordered state, provided that crystallization is avoided. The free energy of the
metastable liquid is obtained from a functional of a suitable order parameter ψ (say) for
the state. Generally ψ is the inhomogeneous density ρ(x), which is written in a parametric
form involving a set of coefficients. The latter defines the multidimensional-space free-
energy landscape (FEL) (see also Section 4.3.2 for discussion). The supercooled liquid
is in a metastable state characterized by local minima of the free energy F[ρ], while the
crystalline state is the most stable state for the deepest minimum in this landscape. Distinct
basins exist in the FEL corresponding to different local minima of the free energy. This
picture described here is somewhat analogous to the potential-energy landscape (PEL) of
the N-particle system discussed earlier. However, the PEL is independent of temperature
whereas the FEL changes with temperature. At T = 0 all the local minima coincide with
the minimum of the potential energy as a function of the particle coordinates. In the vicin-
ity of the freezing point the hight-temperature behavior of the liquid is described in terms
of the single free-energy minimum for the uniform liquid state. In the deeply supercooled
state, well below the freezing point, the corresponding FEL breaks up into an exponen-
tially large number of basins with local minima. The metastable liquid is viewed as being
caught in one of these many possible basins. This transformation in the supercooled liquid
has been termed a spontaneous breakdown of ergodicity. In the case of structural glasses
which is the subject of interest here, this occurs without the presence of any quenched
disorder in the system.
Let us consider evaluation of the partition function for such a system. The partition func-
tion is obtained by equating the summation of the Boltzmann factor over different possible
states and has two main contributions. The first one comes from the evaluation of the
Boltzmann weight with the system being confined to a given basin having a characteristic
free-energy minimum. The number of such minima at a given temperature accounts for the
configurational entropy of the supercooled liquid. The second contribution involves differ-
ent states corresponding to a given basin, referred to as vibrations within the basin. This
accounts for the vibrational contribution to the entropy of the supercooled liquid. Indeed,
an idealized situation like this will require infinite barriers between different states such
that the system confined within a given basin is undergoing only vibrations around the
corresponding minimum. In mean-field p-spin models in which every spin interacts with
every other spin (see Section 8.4 for more discussion) this is a more appropriate situation.
We will apply this scheme for evaluating the partition function in the structural glasses in
order to compute the thermodynamic properties of the glassy state.