Froines, John, 1015, 1019
Frye, Marquette, 965, 968
Fugitive Slave Act
and Harpers Ferry Raid, 415
and Nat Turner’s Rebellion, 275
opposition to, 429
Fuller, Margaret, 476
Funston, Frederick, 728
Fusionists, 541
Gadsden, Christopher, 135
Gadsden Purchase, 310
Gage, Thomas
Boston Massacre 151–152
and Coercive Acts, 197
martial law, 241
and Pontiac’s Rebellion, 113, 114
and royal authority, 187
and Thomas Preston, 161
Gale, Henry, 211
Gallatin, Albert, 230
Galloway, Joseph, 201
Galveston Bay, 106
Gambrill, Henry, 374, 379, 380
and nativism, 373, 374, 378–381
Zoot Suit Riot, 870
Gangs of New York, The (film), 379
Garland, Augustus H., 549
Garnet, Henry Highland, 415
Garrick (Gerrish), Edward, 152–153, 154
Garrison, William Lloyd
abolitionist, 279, 425
and women’s movement, 475
Garry, Charles, 1015, 1019
Garvey, Marcus
Jim Crow Laws, 677–678
Universal Negro Improvement Association,
Gary, Joseph C., 581
Gates, Daryl, 1097
Gazette (Little Rock, AR), 545, 546
Gell, Monday, 265
General Allotment Act (1887), 1072, 1073
General Assembly of Deseret, 394–395
General Land Office (GLO),
1089, 1091
General Land Reform Act (1891), 1089
General Managers Association (GMA), 645,
646, 647, 648
General Order Number 11, 353–354
Genet, Edmund, 234
Geneva, 57
Geneva Club, 80
Genocide, 5, 6
Genovese, Eugene, 252–253
George I (king of England), 187
George II, (king of England), 187
George III, (king of England)
celebration of, 136
reconciliatory efforts, 141, 143
and Stamp Act protests, 131
“George R. T. Hewes’ Account of the Boston
Massacre,” 164–166
and civil rights movement, 896
and SCLC, 911
slave codes, 73
German Americans, 776
German Coast, 252, 255–256, 262–263
German immigrants
and anarchism, 585
in colonial Pennsylvania, 91, 92
as early settlers, 330
Fries’ Rebellion (1790s), 238
and Know-Nothing Party, 373–374, 377
and nativism, 378
in New York City, 84
and New York Draft Riots, 437
and Regulator Movement, 169
Gettysburg, 436
Battle of, 428, 437
Ghost Dance
and Pine Ridge Reservation, 1081
and Sitting Bull, 615
and Wounded Knee Massacre, 601, 602, 603,
604–607, 608
Ghost Shirts, 601, 606–607
GI Bill, 833–834, 842
GI Nonpartisan Ticket
Battle of Athens, 883–885
and Pat Mansfield, 887
Gibbon, John, 554
Gilbert, Abigail, 220
I-22 Index