Debs, Eugene V.
antiwar activism, 929
and ARU, 651
biography, 652–654
and Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen, 570
and IWW, 744, 745
opposition to World War I, 747
and Pullman Strike, 644, 645, 649, 657
Debt collection
Depression (1783–1788), 209
Shays’ Rebellion, 207, 210, 211, 214
Debtor imprisonment, 169
Declaration of Independence
and John Adams, 157
and Samuel Adams, 140
“Declaration of Pedro Naranjo” (1681), 49–51
“Declaration of Rights and Grievances”
(Jefferson), 201
“Declaration of Rights and Grievances, The”
(Stamp Act Congress), 144
Stamp Act protests, 134
Declaration of Rights of Women, 504–508
“Declaration of Sentiments,” 489
“Declaration of the People of Virginia” (1676),
6, 24–26
Declaratory Acts
passage of, 140–141, 146
Stamp Act protests, 131, 135–136
Decree of April 6, 1830, 289, 291
Degan, Mathias J., 578
DeKlyne, Theodore W., 539
Delaware Indians
Ohio River Valley, 121
Pontiac’s Rebellion, 111, 112, 113, 120
“Delaware Prophet,” 109, 119–120
Deleon, Daniel, 745
Dellinger, David
Chicago Eight, 1015, 1019
and Chicago Seven, 1019, 1020
and the Mobe, 1010, 1012, 1027, 1028
Deloria, Vine, Jr., 1036, 1067
Deluge Engine Company, 365
“Demagoguery,” 130
Democratic National Convention (1968),
Democratic National Convention (2000), 1125
Democratic Party
and Atlanta Race Riot (1906), 681
Battle of Athens, 883, 888
Bloody Monday, 377
Brooks-Baxter War, 545–547, 549
and Chicago Riots, 1009–1013
and Chicago Seven, 1019
and Copperheads, 443
the Moratorium, 941–942
and New Orleans Riot (1866), 450
and Know-Nothing Party, 373
and popular sovereignty, 358
Rhode Island suffrage, 311
Rip Rap attacks, 380–381
slavery split, 426
and Utah War, 386–387
and white working-class men, 319
Dempsey, Hugh, 626
Denny, Reginald
and Damien Monroe Williams, 1105, 1106
Los Angeles Uprising, 1097, 1101–1102
on Phil Donahue show, 1101
Denver (CO), 1129, 1130
Denver, James, 351
Department of Justice, 537, 539
Department of Labor, 1048
DePaul Law School, 1021
“Depiction of Events at the Ludlow Camp,”
Depression of 1783–1788, 207–208, 209, 222
“Description of Denmark Vesey (1822),”
“Description of Stono Rebellion” (1739),
Desegregation, 896–897
Deseret, 394
Deslondes, Charles
antebellum slave revolts, 252, 255–256, 257
German Coast uprising (1811), xxiii, 262–263
Great Migration, 773–774
and Ku Klux Klan, 542
Detroit Free Press, 987–988, 993, 994–995
Detroit Riot (1943), 892
Detroit Riot (1967)
Black Power movement, 899
collective action, xxiii–xxiv, 987–992
I-16 Index