The model represents a symmetry element taken from a line drive pattern. The co-
ordinates used in describing displacement in the linear cross section are shown in
fig. 10.6(b). Both the injection and production wells are considered to be perforated
across the entire formation thickness, in the dip-normal direction. No account is taken
of the distortion of the linear flow streamlines (lines of constant fluid potential) in the
vicinity of the wells and saturations are assumed to be uniformly distributed across the
entire width of the block, that is, normal to plane shown in fig. 10.6(b).
The main concern in this chapter is, therefore, to account for the fluid saturation
distributions in the dip-normal direction (y-direction) as the flood moves through the
linear reservoir block. No analytical methods are presented to account for the areal
distribution of saturations in the reservoir. Such methods do exist for regular grid
spacings of injection and production wells and are described in the Craig monograph
For irregular well spacing, however, the analytical methods are extremely complex and
have largely been superseded by numerical simulation techniques. In fact, one of the
main purposes in using simulators is to determine the areal distribution of oil and water
(or displacing fluid in general) resulting from a flood. This knowledge enables the
engineer to place injection and production wells to gain the maximum recovery. To
provide such results, however, it is necessary that the simulator be informed of what
can be expected to occur in the dip-normal direction, that is, how the fluids will be
distributed in this direction. This information is generally provided as input to the
The whole intent of this chapter is, therefore, to describe the physics governing
displacement, as viewed through a linear cross section of the reservoir, which is of vital
concern if the areal distributions of fluids are to be correctly modelled. The chapter
describes, in the first place, displacement in a homogeneous linear section,
secs. 10.3-7, and subsequently extends the methods developed to the description of
displacement in inhomogeneous (layered) reservoirs.
In this, and the following two sections, oil displacement will be assumed to take place
under the so-called diffuse flow condition. This means that fluid saturations at any point
in the linear displacement path are uniformly distributed with respect to thickness. The
sole reason for making this assumption is that it permits the displacement to be
described, mathematically, in one dimension and this provides the simplest possible
model of the displacement process. The one dimensional description follows from the
fact that since the water saturation is uniformly distributed in the dip-normal direction
then so too are the relative permeabilities to oil and water, which are themselves
functions of the water saturation at any point. This means that the simultaneous flow of
oil and water can be modelled using thickness averaged relative permeabilities, along
the centre line of the reservoir, which are also equivalent to relative permeabilities at
any point throughout the thickness.