87 channel conflict
channel conflict
Discord or disagreement among member firms in a particular channel of
distribution regarding distribution roles and goals.
Channel conflict can potentially occur at any point in a channel of dis-
tribution. For example, there can be goal or role conflict among multiple
firms at the same level of distribution (e.g. two retailers) or at different
levels of the distribution channel (e.g. a wholesaler and a retailer). A
common source of channel conflict is when the traditional channel of
distribution becomes increasingly challenged by new, alternative chan-
nels of distribution, such as where a firm’s products are made available
to consumers through online retailers as well as traditional ‘bricks and
mortar’ retailers. In such instances, it is essential that channel conflicts
be addressed quickly to avoid disillusionment and dissatisfaction with the
incentives to distribute a firm’s offerings.
KEY WORDS Distributor conflict
Marketers involved in distribution channel management must recognize
that channel conflict may not only be detrimental to a subset of firms in a
distribution system but to the distribution system as a whole. Utimately,
channel conflicts can jeopardize the effective and efficient distribution
of a firm’s offerings to current and/or prospective customers, such as
where customers can be confused about what to expect in terms of pre-
sale guidance or after-sales support from different distributors of a firm’s
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